§ 18-505. General Requirements for all Holding or Retention Tanks.
   1.   Capacity. A retention or holding tank shall be large enough to hold a minimum of 1 day's sewage waste or 1,000 gallons, whichever is larger, or as otherwise required or directed by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources regulation.
   2.   Construction. A retention tank shall be constructed of durable material and shall be watertight.
   3.   Warning Device. A retention tank shall be equipped with a warning device to indicate when the unit is within 75% of capacity. Such warning device shall create an audible and visible signal at a location frequented by the owner or responsible individual. [Ord. 358]
   4.   Maintenance. Disposal of waste from a retention or holding tank must be to a site approved by the Department of Environmental Resources.
   5.   Holding tanks shall receive regular service and maintenance by the applicant applying for the permit in order to prevent their malfunction and overflow.
(Ord. 293, 1/20/1993, § 105; as amended by Ord. 339, 7/3/1996, § 3; and by Ord. 358, 5/21/1997, § 505)