§ 18-220. Private Extension of Sewer Lines.
Where local, county and/or regional master plans indicate that construction or extension of sanitary sewers may serve any existing area within a reasonable period of time in the near future, the Township Council may enter into an agreement with a private developer to permit the same over an existing public right-of-way provided:
      A.   Design and construction of sewer mains, laterals and connections shall be in strict conformance with Hanover Township specifications as stated in the Hanover Township Condensed Standard Specification for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers;
      B.   Upon completion and approval of the Township Engineer, all construction and/or extensions of the sanitary sewers shall be dedicated to Hanover Township;
      C.   Upon acceptance of the dedication, the Township is not responsible to the developer for any construction and/or extensions thereafter undertaken directly by the Township itself; and
      D.   The cost of any such construction or extension of sanitary sewers shall be the sole responsibility of the developer undertaking the project. Provided:
         (1)   In the event the Township deems it necessary that adjoining and adjacent property owners connect with and use the same, the Township may charge for such construction or extension by assessing the properties accommodated or benefited by any of the methods and procedures for assessment available to it by law. The procedures of any such assessment shall be deposited in a separate fund established for the purpose of reimbursing the original developer its proportionate share of the costs incurred in the particular construction or extension. In no event shall the Township pay the developer an amount in excess of those funds derived from any particular assessment and in no case shall it act as a guarantor of any amount necessary to reimburse the developer.
         (2)   In the event the adjoining or adjacent property requests to connect to such extension, the property owner shall pay a fee for such construction and extension as shall be determined by the Township. The proceeds of such fee shall be deposited in a separate fund established for the purpose of reimbursing the original developer its proportionate share of the costs incurred in the particular construction or extension. In no event shall the Township pay the developer an amount in excess of those funds derived from any particular assessment and in no case shall it act as a guarantor of any amount necessary to reimburse the developer.
(Ord. 180, 7-10-85)