§ 101. Definitions.
The following words when used in this Part shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section except in those instances where the context clearly indicates otherwise.
   ACTIVITY OR CONDITION AGAINST THE PUBLIC WELFARE - Shall be such activity, existence of a condition or state of being, which based upon actual conditions in the Township, is offensive and prejudicial to public life, health, safety, morals, general welfare, peace, decency, dignity, comfort or convenience of inhabitants of the Township or to the reasonable use of property, or the tranquility to the community, including but not limited to the following:
      A.   The accumulations of garbage and rubbish, the unreasonable and offensive storage of any abandoned or junked automobiles, unless permitted in accordance with Township Ordinance No. 7; the carrying on of any offensive manufactures or business; the maintenance of offensive premises; the maintenance of a sinkhole.
      B.   The ownership, maintenance, inhabitation, use or offering for use any structure on public or private grounds which may be dangerous or detrimental to the public welfare.
      C.   The willful making or causing to be made of any loud, boisterous, or unseemly noise or disturbance so as to disturb or annoy the peaceable public anywhere within the Township.
      D.   Any act or conduct tending to cause riot, panic, violence or general disturbance.
      E.   Any discharge without legal rights, except in authorized celebrations, of any gun, pistol, firearm, fireworks or other explosive.
      F. The unnecessary or unreasonable obstruction of any passageway in any public building or public place or business place, or any sidewalk, pavement, driveway, highway, street, lane, alley or thoroughfare.
      G.   The sale or offering for sale, the lease or offering for lease, gift, or offering for gift, or distributing any unwholesome, impure, or offensive food or drink or any other material intended for human or animal consumption.
      H.   The participation in an unlawful gathering or the vexing, hindering, annoying or delaying any person whereby the public peace or comfort is broken or the public annoyed.
      I.   The collecting, gathering, assembling or grouping and after being so collected, assembled or grouped, to stand or loiter on any sidewalk, parking area, street corner or other place to the hindrance or obstruction of free passage of any person passing on or along said location; remaining in any public or private park, play, recreation area, or similar location at such time as the same is closed or otherwise not open to the public.
      J.   The use of indecent, vile and profane language, audibly on the public streets, lanes, alleys, parks, squares, commons, public buildings, public places, business places, places of worship, schools or'any public place within the Township.
      K.   Standing, congregating or assembling at, near or about a place where a fire is in progress, or where the Fire or Police apparatus have been summoned, thereby hindering, delaying or obstruction any such apparatus, its men or equipment or thereby rendering dangerous the management of such apparatus.
      L.   The neglect or refusal promptly to regard and obey the orders of any police officer firemen, code enforcement officer, township manager or zoning officer in respect to the discharge of their duties in the enforcement of the laws and ordinances of the Township and at any place where a fire is in progress.
      M.   The presence of stangnat water, marsh, bog or other condition which is conducive to the breeding of mosquitoes, flies, or other insects dangerous to public health.
      N.   The discharge into any river, stream, creek, pond, or other body or course of water of any pollutant which is injurious around the water, or which is harmful to the natural plantlife or vegetation in or near said water, or which causes a discoloration or unnatural odor in the water.
      O.   The unauthorized interference with the flow of any river, stream, creek or other course of water or the alteration of the natural flow of water from a person's land where such alteration is prejudicial to any interest.
      P.   The operation of mini-bikes, dirt bikes, or other motorized bicycle or tricycle type vehicles upon private property or public property, provided such prohibition shall not apply if permission is granted by the owner or person in possession or control of such property for such use.
         (1)   The allowance by any person who is an owner or in possession or control of property of the operation of more than one vehicle as described in P above upon such person's property at one time.
         (2)   No such vehicles shall be operated after sunset or before sunrise.
      Q.   The ownership, possession, or maintenance of any dog which barks, whines, or emits other noises audible off of the premises of the owner for a period of five (5) minutes or more.
   NOTICE - The delivery of notice in person or the sending of notice by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to the person' last known address.
   PERSON - Shall include any individual, organization, corporation, partnership, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business, trust, estate, association and any other legal entity.
   STRUCTURE — Shall include any building, permanent or temporary, fully erected or not, intended for shelter, housing or enclosure of persons, animals or property of any kind.
   TERMS — The present tense shall include the future, the singular shall include the plural, and the plural, the singular.
   TOWNSHIP — Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
(Ord. 77, 9/12/1979, § 1)