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§ 4-103.   Schedule of Fees.
A schedule of fees for building permits shall be as established by resolution of the Township Council.
   A.   Township costs for plan examination and field inspections by the building inspector shall be paid or reimbursed by fees from the applicant for the building permit.
   B.   The Township Manager shall establish an escrow account for the receipt of all fees and payment of all charges of the Township building inspector with respect to plan examination and field inspections for building permit applications.
   C.   If any building permit application is withdrawn or modified before building inspector costs are incurred, any funds remaining in the said escrow account not necessary to reimburse building inspector costs shall be returned to the applicant.
(Ord. 2, § 2, 4-3-61; as amended by Ord. 8, 1, 2-4-63; by Ord. 212, 5-11-88; and by Ord. 352, 12-30-96)
§ 4-104.   Expiration of Permits.
A building permit shall expire 18 months after issuance. All work done pursuant to a building permit shall commence within 6 months from the date of issuance thereof, otherwise said permit shall become null and void. A building permit may be reissued once upon payment of fees based upon construction remaining to be completed.
(Ord. 2, § 2, 4-3-61; as amended by Ord. 8, § 1, 2-4-63; and by Ord. 212, 5-11-88)
§ 4-105.   Penalties.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300; and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days. Every day that a violation of this Part 1 continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2, 4-3-61; as amended by Ord. 212, 5-11-88)
§ 4-201.   Adoption of the Building Code.
   1.   Uniform Construction Code. A certain document being marked and designated as the Uniform Construction Code and all codes referenced therein, contained in the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, 35 P.S. §§ 7210.101 to 7210.1103, all as the same may be amended from time to time, hereinafter referred to as the UCC, is hereby adopted as the building code of the Township of Hanover, Lehigh County, State of Pennsylvania, for the control of buildings and structures as herein provided, and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said UCC are hereby referred to, adopted, and made part hereof as if fully set out in this ordinance with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes if any noted herein. [Ord. 500]
   2.   Title. These regulations shall be known as the “Building Code of Hanover Township, Lehigh County.”
(Ord. 448, 5/5/2004, § 1; as amended by Ord. 468, 12/13/2006, § 1; and by Ord. 500, 2/3/2010, § 1)
§ 4-202.   Enforcement Election.
Hanover Township, Lehigh County, elects to administer and enforce the provisions of the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act of 1999, 35 P.S. § 7210.101-7210.1103, as the same may be amended from time to time, and regulations which may be published with respect thereto.
(Ord. 448, 5/5/2004, § 1)
§ 4-203.   Additions, Insertions and Changes - UCC.
The following Sections are hereby revised from or added to the UCC, to read as follows:
   A.   401.2 Fees.
       401.2(f) Township Fee Schedule. A fee for each plan examination, building permit and inspection shall be paid in accordance with a fee schedule established by resolution of the Hanover Township Council.
   B.   403.121 Board of Appeal.
      403.121(c)(i) Qualifications. The Board of Appeals shall consist of five individuals, who may be from the following professions or disciplines:
      Registered design architect or registered structural engineer, or a registered mechanical or plumbing engineer, or registered electrical engineer, or registered design fire protection engineer, or a builder, plumbing contractor or an electrical contractor or a fire protection contractor or a mechanical contractor each having at least 10 years experience.
      403.121(c)(5) Alternate Members. The chief appointing authority shall appoint one alternate member who shall be called by the board chairman to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. The alternate member shall possess the qualifications required for board membership, and shall be appointed for 5 years or until a successor has been appointed.
      403.121(c)(6) Compensation of Members. Compensation of members shall be determined by the Hanover Township Council.
   C.   403.122 Appeals, Variances and Extensions of Time.
      403.112(b) Time of Appeal. Such application for appeal shall be made within 30 days from the date of the notice of the violation issued by the code official. Such appeal shall be made upon form as determined by code official and shall be subject to such fees as provided by resolution of the Township Council. The postmark date or the date of personal service will establish the filing date and the request for various or extension.
(Ord. 448, 5/5/2004, § 1; as amended by Ord. 468, 12/13/2006, § 2)
§ 4-204.   Additions, Insertions and Changes - International Building Code.
The following sections are hereby revised from or added to the UCC, International Building Code, 2006 edition, as follows:
   A.   202.0 Definitions.
      FIRE COMPANY - Han-Le-Co Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1.
      BUILDING OFFICIAL - Building Code Official of Hanover Township, Lehigh County.
   B.   903.3.7 Fire Department Connections
      903.3.7.1 Sprinkler Control Valves. [Ord. 500]
      (a)   Sprinkler control valve or outside screw and yoke valve (OS&Y) shall be visible on a street or in a location approved by the fire department. Such valve shall not be obstructed by fences, brush, trees, walls, or any other similar object.
      (b)   Sprinkler system having more than one zone. Each riser and sprinkler control (OS&Y) valve shall have reflective identification signs at each valve to indicate its function and what it controls.
      (c)   The height of sprinkler control valves shall not be less than 18 inches and not more than 42 inches in elevation. Measure from the ground level to the center of the valves.
      903.3.7.2 A durable diagram depicting the general floor plan and sprinkler zones shall be placed in the immediate area of the main sprinkler systems control. [Ord. 500]
      903.3.7.3 When a fire department connection is located on the exterior of a building a sign shall be placed at the roof line of the building, directly over the fire department connection. The sign shall be reflective and with 4-inch red lettering on a white background. The sign shall read on two lines “Fire Department” on line one and “Connection” on line two. [Ord. 500]
      903.3.7.4 When a fire department connection is removed from a building, a reflective sign shall be placed on a post located 24 inches to 36 inches behind the connection so as not to impede the function. When mounted, the sign height shall be between 42 inches--60 inches from the ground. The sign shall be 2 inches, minimum, red letters on a white background and shall read “Fire Department” on line one and “Connection” on line two. When connection falls within 10 feet of a property line the sign shall have a third line, 1-inch minimum numbers, which shall indicate address. [Ord. 500]
   C.   3111 Construction in a Floodplain [Ord. 500]
Any building or structure located with an indicated floodplain area as defined in the Hanover Township Floodplain Ordinance, Chapter 8 of the Statutory Code of Hanover Township, shall also be subject to the applicable provisions of the Hanover Township Floodplain Ordinance.
(Ord. 448, 5/5/2004; as added by Ord. 468, 12/13/2006, § 3; and as amended by Ord. 500, 2/3/2010, §§ 1,3)