§ 27-1408. Procedure to Obtain Preliminary Opinion.
The landowner may advance the date from which time for any challenge to the ordinance or map will run under § 27-1405(2) by the following procedure:
   1.   The landowner may submit plans and other materials describing his proposed use or development to the zoning officer for a preliminary opinion as to their compliance with the applicable ordinances and maps. Such plans and other materials shall not be required to meet the standards prescribed for preliminary, tentative or final approval or for the issuance of a building permit so long as they provide reasonable notice of the proposed use or development and a sufficient basis for a preliminary opinion as to its compliance.
   2.   If the zoning officer's preliminary opinion is that the use or development complies with the ordinance or map, notice thereof shall be published once each week for 2 successive weeks in a newspaper of general description of the proposed use or development and its location, by some readily identifiable directive and the place and times where the plans and other materials may be examined by the public. The favorable preliminary approval under § 27-1405(2) and the time therein specified for commercing a proceeding with the board shall run from the time when the second notice thereof has been published.
(Ord. 269, 10/16/1991, § 13)