§ 407. Records of the Whole or Gross Volume of Business.
Each taxpayer shall keep full, complete and accurate books and records of account of the business, as defined herein, conducted or rendered by him in the Township of Hanover, including a full and complete and accurate account of the gross consideration or other thing of value credited to, received in, allocable to, or attributed to business conducted or rendered in the Township of Hanover. Such books, records and account must disclose in detail the gross receipts and other data pertaining to the taxpayer's gross volume of business and must be sufficiently complete to enable the tax administrator or his deputies to verify all transactions. The tax administrator or his deputies are hereby authorized to examine, inspect and/or copy all books, papers and records of any person or persons subject to or supposed to be subject to the tax imposed by this Part, and such taxpayer shall produce the' same for the inspection, review and/or copying by the tax administrator and/or his deputies.
(Ord. 131, 1229-82)