§ 1-797.5. Reporting Procedures.
   1.   Any individual that feels that he/she has been a victim of harassment in any form, including sexual harassment, by any manager, supervisor, co-worker, customer, client or any other person in connection with his/her employment should bring the problem immediately to the attention of the Township Manager.
If the complaint involves the Township Manager, or if the employee is uncomfortable for any reason with discussion of such matters with the Township Manager, the employee may bypass the Township Manager and instead should report the matter promptly to the Chairperson of the Hanover Township Council.
   2.   Hanover Township will investigate all allegations of harassment in as prompt and confidential a manner as possible and will take appropriate action when warranted. Any employee that is found, as a result of such investigation, to have engaged in harassment or discrimination in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Furthermore, retaliation in any form against an employee or applicant who exercises his/her right to make a complaint under this policy or who cooperates in the investigation of any such complaint is strictly prohibited and will itself be cause for appropriate disciplinary action.
   3.   Any question regarding this policy should be addressed to the Township Manager. (Ord. 399, 10/4/2000, § 797.5)