§ 120. Abandoned Facilities.
   1.   Whenever any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel, or other structure located under the surface of any street, or the use thereof, is abandoned, the person owning, using, controlling or having an interest therein shall, within thirty (30) days after such abandonment, file with the Township a statement in writing giving in detail the location of the structure so abandoned.
   2.   Whenever there are manholes or tunnels associated with abandoned underground facilities, such manholes or tunnels shall be filled in at the time of abandonment and the Township notified thereof in writing.
   3.   When the Township plans to pave or improve streets in which there are abandoned facilities, the owners of such facilities shall be required to remove them if in the opinion of the Township their removal is in the best interest of the Township. If the owner shall refuse to remove such facilities, the Township shall remove the abandoned facilities and the owner shall reimburse the Township for such removal.
(Ord. 97, § 2, 1-14-81)