A. Water Rates, Bimonthly, And In Bulk:
1. Rates Established: Effective with the July 2024 billing:
For each 1,000 gallons | $6.24 per thousand gallons | |
For water to be sold in bulk quantities, for uses which will not result in discharge to the village's wastewater conveyance and treatment system | $21.78 per thousand gallons and fractions thereof |
2. Annual Adjustment Of Rates: Water rates shall be adjusted July 1 annually based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index - all urban consumers for the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin area. This adjustment shall be automatic unless the village board takes official action to waive the adjustment based on the consumer price index or determines the adjustment shall be based on a different factor.
3. Meter Failure, Estimate Of Consumption: Whenever it is determined by the village that any water meter has failed to properly register water passing through same, the village may in its discretion estimate the amount of water consumed by the affected user or users for purposes of establishing the amount due from said user or users for water usage.
4. Bulk Sales, Determination by Village: For purposes of this section, whether any water shall be sold in bulk quantity, and/or whether use of any such water will not result in discharge into the village's wastewater conveyance and treatment system, shall be determined in the sole discretion of the village. With prior permission, water may be taken from a hydrant for a private purpose, and for any such opening or use, a fire hydrant meter shall be installed to record the quantity of water used or taken, and a fee shall be charged for any such water used or taken.
5. Bulk Sales, Deposit: For purposes of sales of water in bulk quantity under this section, the village may require a deposit from the purchaser, in such sum as may be determined from time to time in the sole discretion of the village, for the following purposes:
a. As security for use of a portable water meter provided to the purchaser by the village; any loss of or damage to the water meter shall be assessed against said deposit; and after assessment of such loss or damage against said deposit, or upon return of said water meter in good condition, any balance remaining on account shall be returned to the purchaser; and
b. As security for payment of charges for such bulk water sales; any charges for such purchases shall then be assessed against said deposit, said deposit shall be replenished from time to time as a condition of further sales, when requested by the village, and any balance remaining on account after such purchases have ceased shall be returned to the purchaser.
c. In any event, the purchaser shall be liable for all charges actually incurred for water furnished, used, lost or taken; and for loss of or damage to the water meter.
6. Bulk Water; Charges: The Village shall charge for water furnished, used, lost or taken at bulk for each connection from or opening of a hydrant, whether authorized or not, at the rate set forth in this Section 8-1-9A. For water used, lost or taken, and not measured by meter, billing shall be as estimated by the Village in its sole discretion, provided, the minimum billing shall be for ten thousand (10,000) gallons.
B. Sewer Rates:
1. Rates Established: The sewer user charge for the use of and for service supplied by the wastewater facilities of the village shall consist of a basic user charge for operation and maintenance plus replacement, a debt service charge, a charge for billing and accounting, and a surcharge, if applicable.
2. Basic Charges: The basic user charge shall consist of operation and maintenance costs plus replacement costs, and shall be computed as follows:
a. Estimate the projected annual revenue required to operate and maintain the wastewater facilities including a replacement fund for the year, for all works categories.
b. Proportion the estimated costs to wastewater facility categories by volume, suspended solids, BOD, and ammonia- nitrogen, if possible.
c. Estimate wastewater volume, pounds of SS, pounds of BOD, and pounds of ammonia-nitrogen to be treated.
d. Proportion the estimated costs to nonindustrial users by volume, suspended solids, BOD, and ammonia-nitrogen.
3. Recorded Usage: The basic user charge shall be based on water usage as recorded by water meters and/or sewage meters for wastes having the following normal concentrations:
a. A five (5) day, twenty degree centigrade (20°C) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of two hundred seventy five milligrams per liter (275 mg/l).
b. A suspended solids (SS) content of two hundred eighty milligrams per liter (280 mg/l).
c. An ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) content of thirty one milligrams per liter (31 mg/l).
4. Debt Service Charge: The debt service charge shall be computed by dividing the annual debt service charge of all outstanding bonds by the total number of gallons billed to all sewer users in the previous year. This number is multiplied by one thousand (1,000) to compute the debt service charge per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
5. Sewer User Service Charge: Effective with the July 2024 billing:
a. The sewer user service charge to be paid bimonthly by all metered sewer users shall be a minimum charge of one dollar ($1.00) for billing plus a basic user rate of seven dollars thirty cents ($7.30) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of metered water usage.
Sewer user service charge rates shall be adjusted July 1 annually based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index - all urban consumers for the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin area. This adjustment shall be automatic unless the village board takes official action to waive the adjustment based on the consumer price index or determines the adjustment shall be based on a different factor.
6. Surcharge:
a. Exceeding Normal Concentrations: A surcharge will be levied to all users whose waters exceed the normal concentrations for BOD (275 mg/l), SS (280 mg/l), and ammonia-nitrogen (31 mg/l). The surcharge will be based on water usage as recorded by water meters and/or sewage meters.
b. Rate Of Surcharge: The rates of surcharges shall be as follows:
BOD | $0.219 per pound BOD |
Suspended solids | 0.120 per pound SS |
Ammonia-nitrogen | 1.52 per pound NH3-N as N |
c. Computation Of Surcharge: The concentration of wastes used for computing surcharges shall be established by waste sampling. Waste sampling shall be performed as often as may be deemed necessary by the superintendent and shall be binding as a basis for surcharges. (1985 Code)
C. Capital Improvements And Depreciation Charge:
1. Commencing with billing on May 1, 2024, there shall be and is imposed a charge, in addition to the rates otherwise charged for water and/or sewer service, for capital improvements and depreciation in the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the Village, to be assessed on and added to the regular bi-monthly billing statements rendered to users of water and sewer services, in the following amount:
a. For users of water and sewer: twenty five dollars ($25.00) per month.
b. For users of water alone: fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month.
c. For users of sewer alone: ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
D. Measurement Of Flow: The volume of flow used for computing basic user charges and surcharges shall be the metered water consumption read to the lowest even increments of one hundred (100) gallons.
1. If the person discharging wastes into the public sewers procures any part, or all, of his water from sources other than the public waterworks system, all or a part of which is discharged into the public sewers, the person shall install and maintain, at his expense, water meters of a type approved by the superintendent for the purpose of determining the volume of water obtained from these other sources.
2. Devices for measuring the volume of waste discharged may be required by the superintendent if these volumes cannot otherwise be determined from the metered water consumption records.
3. Metering devices for determining the volume of waste shall be installed, owned, and maintained by the person. Following approval and installation, such meters may not be removed, unless service is canceled without the consent of the superintendent.
E. Bills; Responsibility; Time Of Payment:
1. The owners of any property served by water and/or sewer services of the village, together with the occupants of any such property and/or the users of either or both of such services, shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for such service or services to the subject property, and such service or services are furnished to the property only on the condition that the property owner, property occupant, and the user of such service(s) be and are jointly and severally liable therefor.
2. All bills for water and/or sewer service shall be mailed to the owner of the property to which such service is or services are provided, and it shall be the responsibility of the owner of such property to make prompt payment of the bill to the village. The obligation of the property owner to the village under this section shall not be affected by any agreement said owner may have with any occupant of the property or user of the service(s).
3. It shall be the duty of the village clerk to render bills for service and for all rates and charges in connection therewith and to collect all monies due thereon.
4. The amount of any fine due pursuant to subsection 8-3-10A of this chapter, for a violation of the provisions of article III of this chapter occurring at a property in the village, if it has not otherwise been paid as provided therein, shall be added to the amount of any bill for water consumption rendered in respect to said property pursuant to this section.
F. Delinquent Bills:
1. If the charges for water and sewage service, or either of them, are not paid within thirty (30) days after the rendition and forwarding of a bill for such utility service to the user thereof, the village shall, upon mailing of a five (5) day written notice of such nonpayment to the user, be entitled to discontinue said water or sewage service or both without further notice.
2. If water or sewerage service is discontinued, such service shall not be again rendered to the subject property until a reconnection and service fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) has been paid to the village, together with payment of all delinquent charges and costs, and interest thereon in accordance with this section, if any. In the event a service is discontinued three (3) or more times in a twelve (12) month period, the reconnection and service fee shall increase to one hundred dollars ($100.00).
3. The village is authorized to effect discontinuance of those services where there is no shutoff or turnoff valve by excavating within the public easement as necessary to effect termination of said service, and in the event that said excavation is required to terminate said service, all charges and costs for labor and material incurred by the village for said excavation and termination, together with such charges and costs incurred for material and labor required to reconnect such service, and all delinquent charges and costs, and interest thereon, and any other charges authorized under this section, shall be paid to the village prior to again rendering service to said property.
4. The village is authorized to collect an interest charge of ten percent (10%) on the amount of any unpaid water or sewage service bill after thirty (30) days, and may collect such interest charge in addition to all other service charges, costs and fees provided if said village has informed the user thereof on the monthly invoice of said interest charge.
5. Whenever a bill for water or sewer service remains unpaid for a period of not less than sixty (60) days after date of mailing, the village clerk may file with the county recorder a statement of lien claim. Every statement of lien claim shall contain a legal description of the property in question, the amount due for services rendered and any penalties, interest and other charges due under this section, including all charges for services subsequent to the date of last billing, and a notice that the village claims a lien for said amount.
A copy of the statement of lien claim shall be mailed to the owner of the property, certified mail, return receipt requested. The failure of the village clerk to record such claim for lien or to mail such notice, or the failure of the owner to receive such notice, shall not affect the right to foreclose the lien.
6. Property subject to a lien for unpaid water or sewer charges shall be sold for nonpayment of the bill, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to pay the charges, after deducting costs, as is the case in the foreclosure of statutory liens. Such foreclosures shall be prosecuted in the same manner and with the same effect as in the foreclosure of mortgages on real estate.
The village attorney is hereby authorized and directed to institute such proceedings, in the name of the village, in any court having jurisdiction over such matters, against any or all of the property for which a bill for water and/or sewer service has remained unpaid for a period of not less than sixty (60) days after date of mailing, or against the owner of such property, or against the occupant of such property, and/or against the user of such service(s), provided as to a suit against a property, notice has been provided as required by law.
G. Revenues:
1. All revenues and monies derived from the operation of the sewerage system shall be deposited in the sewerage account of the sewerage and water fund.
2. All such revenues and monies shall be held by the village treasurer separate and apart from his private funds and separate and apart from all other funds of the village and all of said sums, without any deductions whatever, shall be delivered to the village treasurer not more than fifteen (15) days after receipt of the same, or at such more frequent intervals as may from time to time be directed by the president and board of trustees.
3. The village treasurer shall receive all such revenues from the sewerage system and all other funds and monies incident to the operation of such system as the same may be delivered to him and deposit the same in the account of the fund designated as the "sewerage and water fund of the village". Said treasurer shall administer such fund in every respect in the manner provided by statute of the "revised cities and villages act", effective January 1942.
H. Accounts: The village treasurer shall establish a proper system of accounts and shall keep proper books, records, and accounts in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relative to the sewerage system, and at regular annual intervals he shall cause to be made an audit by an independent auditing concern of the books to show the receipts and disbursements of the sewerage system to assure that each customer is paying a proportionate share of the operation and maintenance costs.
1. In addition to the customary operating statements, the annual audit report shall also reflect the revenues and operating expenses of the wastewater facilities, including a replacement cost. In this regard the financial information to be shown in the audit report shall include the following:
a. Flow data showing total gallons received at the wastewater plant for the current fiscal year.
b. Billing data to show total number of gallons billed.
c. Number of users connected to the system.
d. Number of nonmetered users.
e. A list of users discharging domestic wastes (industrial users) and volume and strength of waste discharged.
2. The wastewater service charge shall be revised periodically to reflect a change in debt service charge or change in operation and maintenance costs including replacement costs.
I. Access To Records: The Illinois environmental protection agency or its authorized representative shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of the village which are applicable to the village system of user charges for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions thereof to ensure compliance with the terms of the grant. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 02-21, 7-18-2002; Ord. 03-03, 4-3-2003; Ord. 06-03, 1-12-2006; Ord. 09-14, 5-7-2009; Ord. 10-27, 12-2-2010; Ord. 15-12, 4-2-2015; Ord. 16-25, 10-6-2016; Ord. 20-24, 7-2-2020; Ord. 24-15, 4-18-2024; Ord. 24-16, 4-18-2024)