A. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial or commercial process water into any sanitary sewer.
B. Stormwater, surface drainage and unpolluted waters shall be admitted to only such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers or storm drains. Unpolluted process and cooling waters may, on written application and approval by the Superintendent of Sewer Department, Editor's Note: The Sewer Department was inactivated 1-24-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011. See now Ch. 53, Department of Public Utilities; Superintendent of Public Works. be discharged to storm sewers or storm drains.
C. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described wastes or waters to any public sewer:
(1) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 160° F.
(2) Any water or waste containing more than 100 parts per million by weight of fats, oils or greases.
(3) Any liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quality may cause fire or explosion or be in any other way injurious to persons, to the sewage works' structures or to the operation of those works.
(4) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, is capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or preventing entry into sewers for their maintenance and repair.
(5) Any garbage that has not been comminuted or shredded.
(6) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, bones, feathers, tires, plastic, wood, paunch manure, butcher's offal or any other solids or viscous substances capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewerage system or the sewage treatment works.
(7) Any water or waste having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.5 or having any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazards to structures, equipment or personnel of the sewage works.
(8) Any water or waste containing any toxic substances in quantities sufficient to interfere with the biochemical processes of the sewage treatment works or that will pass through the sewage treatment works and exceed the state or interstate requirements for the receiving stream.
(9) Any water or waste that contains cyanide in excess of a concentration determined by multiplying 0.2 parts per million by the ratio of the average flow in the receiving stream to the design flow of the sewage treatment works.
(10) Any water or waste containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant.
(11) Any toxic radioactive isotopes, without special permit.
(12) Any water or waste that contains fluoride in excess of a concentration determined by multiplying 0.2 parts per million by the ratio of the average flow in the receiving stream to the design flow of the sewage treatment works.
D. No statement contained in this article shall be construed as prohibiting any special agreement or arrangement between the town and any person whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be admitted into the sanitary sewers for treatment by the town either before or after pretreatment.
[Added 8-23-1976 by Ord. No. 16-1976]
Any person or persons who shall discharge or cause to be discharged any prohibited discharge as defined within § 226-6 of this article, Prohibited discharge, into any sanitary sewer of the Town of Hammonton shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Any person, individual or corporation who shall claim that he, she or it has accidentally discharged or caused to be discharged any prohibited discharge as defined in § 226-6 into any sanitary sewer in the Town of Hammonton shall immediately notify either the Town Engineer or the Sewer Superintendent of the Town of Hammonton of said accidental discharge.
B. Should any individual fail to notify either the Town Engineer or the Sewer Superintendent of the Town of Hammonton of a claim that there has been an accidental prohibited discharge as defined in § 226-6 of this article into the sanitary sewer of the Town of Hammonton within 30 minutes after said person or his/her agents, servants or employees become aware of said discharge, said individual shall be in violation of this article.
C. Any individual violating this section shall be liable to all of the sanctions set forth in § 226-12A and B of this Chapter 226 of the Code of the Town of Hammonton, which sanctions shall be invoked at the discretion of the Sewer Superintendent. No action taken by the Sewer Superintendent under § 226-12A of this article shall be a bar or defense to the bringing of criminal sanctions under § 226-12B of this article.
A. Survey data required.
(1) Within three months after the passage of this article, all users of the sewage system who discharge industrial wastes to the public sewers shall fill in and file with the Mayor and Common Council an industrial waste questionnaire which shall furnish pertinent data, inclusive of quantity of flow and an analysis of the water discharged to the sewage works.
(2) Similarly, any person desiring to make a new connection to the sewage works for the purpose of discharging industrial wastes to the public sewers shall fill in and file with the Mayor and Common Council an industrial waste questionnaire which shall furnish pertinent or predicted data, inclusive of quantity of flow and an analysis of the industrial waste to be discharged into the sewage system.
B. Extension of time. Mayor and Common Council shall have the right, upon showing of good cause, to grant an extension of time to comply with the provisions of § 226-8A above.
C. Control manhole.
(1) Any person discharging industrial wastes into the sewerage system shall construct and maintain a suitable control manhole or manholes downstream from any treatment, storage or other approved works, to facilitate observation, measurement and sampling of all wastes, including domestic sewerage, from the person.
(2) The control manhole or manholes shall be constructed at suitable and satisfactory locations and built in a manner approved by the Superintendent of Sewage Treatment.
(3) The control manhole or manholes shall be equipped with permanent-type volume-measuring devices of a type approved by the Superintendent of Sewage Treatment. The manhole shall be installed by the person discharging the waste, at his/her expense, and shall be maintained by him/her so as to be safe, accessible and in proper operating condition at all times.
(4) Plants for the construction of the control manhole or manholes and all included devices shall be approved by the Mayor and Common Council prior to the beginning of construction.
D. Measurement of flow.
(1) The volume of flow used in computing surcharges shall be the metered water consumption of the person as shown in the records of meter readings maintained by the Hammonton Water Department. Editor's Note: The Water Department was inactivated 1-24-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011. See now Ch. 53, Department of Public Utilities; Superintendent of Public Works.
(2) Where the person discharging wastes into the sewer works of the town procures any part or all of his/her water supply from sources other than the Hammonton Water Department, all or a part of which is discharged into the sewerage system, the person discharging said waste shall install and maintain at his/her expense sewer meters of a type approved by the Mayor and Common Council for the purpose of determining the proper volume of flow to be used.
E. Sewage metering.
(1) All persons discharging industrial wastes into the sewage system of the Town of Hammonton shall have the privilege at their sole discretion to install sewage meters for the specific purpose of determining the volume of industrial waste or sanitary sewage entering the sewerage system.
(2) These meters for determining the volume of flow of these sewers shall be installed, owned and maintained by the property owners. Following the installation of such meters and approval of the installation by the town, such meters may not be removed without the approval of the Mayor and Common Council.
F. Sewage sampling.
(1) The industrial wastes of each person discharging the same into the sewerage system shall be subject to periodic inspection and a determination of the character and concentration of said wastes. These determinations shall be made quarterly or as often as may be deemed necessary by the Mayor and Common Council or their authorized assistants, and a report of the determinations shall be submitted to the Mayor and the Common Council.
(2) The installation, operation and maintenance of the sewage-sampling facilities shall be assumed by the person discharging the waste and shall be subject at all times to the approval of the Mayor and Common Council. Access to the sewage-sampling location or locations shall be available to the Mayor and Common Council or their duly authorized representatives at all times. Due care shall be exercised in the collection and preservation of all samples to ensure the preservation of the samples in as nearly their natural state as possible. This includes the refrigeration of all samples which will be analyzed by biochemical methods.
G. Analysis. The laboratory methods used in the examination of all industrial waste shall be those set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage as published by the American Public Health Association. However, alternate methods for the analysis of industrial wastes may be used, subject to mutual agreement between the Mayor and Common Council and the person.
[Amended 11-26-1973 by Ord. No. 9-1973; 3-27-1978 by Ord. No. 8-1978; 12-19-1983 by Ord. No. 14-1983; 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 15-1984; 3-23-1987 by Ord. No. 6-1987; 2-22-1988 by Ord. No. 3-1988; 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 28-1993; 12-19-1994 by Ord. No. 35-1994; 5-20-1996 by Ord. No. 9-1996]
A. Annual sewer rates.
[Amended 5-24-1999 by Ord. No. 4-1999; 5-22-2000 by Ord. No. 13-2000; 5-21-2001 by Ord. No. 23-2001; 7-25-2005 by Ord. No. 29-2005; 5-14-2012 by Ord. No. 8-2012; 3-23-2015 by Ord. No. 006-2015]
(1) To begin the billing cycle following adoption of Ord. No. 006-2015, the sewer rents for collection and treatment of all domestic sewage discharged into the Hammonton Wastewater Treatment Facility by all dwellings receiving water from the Hammonton Public Utilities Department 6 shall be an annual charge based on the water consumption of the six month period immediately preceding the date of said water meter reading, which reading shall be made during the month of May of each given year, and shall be computed in accordance with the following rate schedule:
Annual Residential Sewer Rate
Water Consumption (cubic feet) | Fee |
First 2,000 or less | $595.00 annually |
From 2,001 to 4,000 | $72.50 per 1,000 cubic feet |
All usage in excess of 4,000 | $37.50 per 1,000 cubic feet |
(2) Should any sewer user having domestic or commercial sewage collected or treated by the Sewer Department of the Town of Hammonton 7 having sources of water supply not provided by the Hammonton Public Utilities Department or not having a meter that is acceptable to the Town and in good working order at the time said meter is read or is to be read, then that sewer domestic user shall be charged a flat rate of $695 and that sewer commercial user shall be charged a rate of $830 for the collection of his or her sewer for that particular year. These rates shall become effective the billing cycle following adoption of Ord. No. 006-2015.
B. In case of a combination of two or more dwelling units, households, flats, apartments or two or more families using separate cooking and bathroom facilities in one dwelling having the use of the sewer system through one sewer lateral, each and every such occupied dwelling unit, household, flat, apartment of such family shall be charged the foregoing minimum annual sewer rents or charges (as set forth in paragraph 1 above) the same as if each such unit or family had a direct and separate connection to the sewer system. Sewer rents and charges in excess of such minimum shall be determined by dividing the total water consumed, as shown by the water readings, by the number of occupied units or families using such single sewer connection, and applying the above rate schedule to the quantity as determined.
C. Beginning January 1, 1996, all persons legally and medically declared totally disabled pursuant to the laws of the State of New Jersey, and all persons who now qualify and who may hereafter qualify for the real estate annual senior citizens' tax deduction of $250 pursuant to the Laws of the State of New Jersey and who qualify and receive said tax deduction will be entitled, upon application therefor, to an annual credit of $50 on their annual domestic sewer rental. This credit shall only extend to one property owned by any such citizen in the Town of Hammonton. Where premises are owned by more than one such citizen, only one annual credit shall be allowed by the provision of this article.
D. Any owner required to be connected to the sewage facilities of the Town of Hammonton pursuant to § 226-28, that fails to connect to such facilities within the time frame set forth in § 226-30, shall be charged annual sewer rates in accordance with § 226-9(A-C) above. It is determined to be in the public interest that all owners required to connect to the sewage facilities of the Town of Hammonton contribute towards the cost of maintaining and operating such sewage facilities.
[Adopted 5-16-2016 by Ord. No. 008-2016]
6 | 6. Editor's Note: The Water Department was inactivated 1-24-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011. See now Ch. 53, Department of Public Utilities; Superintendent of Public Works. |
7 | 7. Editor's Note: The Sewer Department was inactivated 1-24-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011. See now Ch. 53, Department of Public Utilities; Superintendent of Public Works. |
To begin the billing cycle following adoption of Ord. No. 006-2015, the sewer rents for collection and treatment of sanitary sewage discharged into the Hammonton Wastewater Treatment Facility by all business buildings, institutions and commercial establishments receiving water from the Hammonton Public Utilities Department 1 shall be a semiannual charge based on the water consumption of each six-month period and computed in accordance with the following rate schedule:
[Amended 11-26-1973 by Ord. No. 9-1973; 3-27-1978 by Ord. No. 8-1978; 12-19-1983 by Ord. No. 14-1983; 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 15-1984; 3-23-1987 by Ord. No. 6-1987; 2-22-1988 by Ord. No. 3-1988; 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 28-1993; 12-19-1994 by Ord. No. 35-1994; 5-20-1996 by Ord. No. 9-1996; 5-24-1999 by Ord. No. 4-1999; 5-14-2012 by Ord. No. 8-2012; 3-23-2015 by Ord. No. 006-2015]
Semi-Annual Commercial Sewer Rate
Water Consumption (cubic feet) | Fee |
First 2,000 or less | $390.00 |
From 2,001 to 4,000 | $47.50 per 1,000 cubic feet |
All usage in excess of 4,000 | $37.50 per 1,000 cubic feet |
B. In cases where a combination of one or more dwelling units, households, flats, apartments with stores, shops, offices or businesses or industrial units has the use of the sewer system through one sewer lateral, each and every occupied dwelling unit, household, flat, apartment, store, shop, office or business or industrial unit shall be charged the foregoing minimum semiannual sewer rents or charges, the same as if each such unit had a direct and separate connection to the sewer system. However, any provision of this article notwithstanding, no person shall be charged for a business or office unit which is a part of his/her residence and which does not have separate sewerage facilities within said unit unless the sewerage facilities of the residence would reasonably be considered to be available to customers of the business or office unit in light of the type of business activity conducted therein or unless the business or office unit is operated by someone other than a permanent resident of the residence attached thereto. Sewer rents or charges in excess of such minimum shall be determined by dividing the total water consumed, as shown by the meter readings, by the number of occupied units.
C. All hospitals open to the general public of the Town of Hammonton which have a maximum of 82 beds shall pay a sewer rent of $875 per year.
[Amended 11-26-1973 by Ord. No. 9-1973]
D. Any owner required to be connected to the sewage facilities of the Town of Hammonton pursuant to § 226-28, that fails to connect to such facilities within the time frame set forth in § 226-30, shall be charged annual sewer rates in accordance with § 226-10(A-C) above. It is determined to be in the public interest that all owners required to connect to the sewage facilities of the Town of Hammonton contribute towards the cost of maintaining and operating such sewage facilities.
[Added 7-25-2016 by Ord. No. 014-2016]
1 | 8. Editor's Note: The Public Utilities Department was inactivated 1-24-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011. See now Ch. 53, Department of Public Utilities; Superintendent of Public Works. |