[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Depositing of Litter and Handbills
   § 184-1.   Word usage and definitions.
   § 184-2.   Littering prohibited; use of receptacles.
   § 184-3.   Use of town landfill.
   § 184-4.   Business owners to keep premises free of litter.
   § 184-5.   Littering in bodies of water.
   § 184-6.   Dropping litter from aircraft.
   § 184-7.   Litter on private property; maintenance of receptacles.
   § 184-8.   Responsibility of property owner.
   § 184-9.   Littering on vacant lots.
   § 184-10.   Removal of litter from private property by town.
   § 184-11.   Litter in commercial and industrial places.
   § 184-12.   Litter from pets.
   § 184-13.   Distribution of handbills in public places.
   § 184-14.   Placing handbills on vehicles.
   § 184-15.   Depositing handbills on vacant private premises.
   § 184-16.   Distribution of handbills prohibited where posted.
   § 184-17.   Distributing handbills on inhabited private premises.
   § 184-18.   Posting notices in certain public places.
   § 184-19.   Balloons, sky lanterns and aerial luminary lanterns.
   § 184-20.   Presumption of violation; issuance of summons; continuing responsibility; exceptions.
   § 184-21.   Violations and penalties.
Clean Communities Program
   § 184-22.   Definitions.
   § 184-23.   Litter receptacles and servicing required.
   § 184-24.   Prohibited acts.
   § 184-25.   Violations and penalties.
   § 184-26.   Enforcement.
   § 184-27.   Scope.
   Deposit of dog excrement — See Ch. 82, § 82-21.
   Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 200, 200-4A.
   Property maintenance — See Ch. 211.
   Abandoned refrigerators — See Ch. 214.
   Solid waste — See Ch. 241.