(A)   In the event any person fails to replace or rebuild, as may be required by this subchapter, any defective sidewalk laid by that person by private contract upon 15 days written notice from the Board of Public Works and Safety to the licensee and his or her sureties on his or her bond, then the Board of Public Works and Safety shall cause the work, required to be done in the notice, to be done by letting a contract for the work after 1 week’s publication, or in case the city has let an annual contract for the building of sidewalks, the city shall have an action on the bond against the licensee and sureties for the most of any work.
   (B)   In the event the licensee shall fail or refuse to pay the cost of any work let under the contract or done by the annual contractor for the city, then the licensee shall be suspended from receiving any further permits or doing any further work until he or she has paid for all the defective work which has been replaced under any contract, as provided in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 101.84) Penalty, see § 10.99