§ 93.028 CONVEYANCE.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, convey or cause to be carried or conveyed any gunpowder in any quantity exceeding 50 pounds or any guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury or other high explosives of similar nature in any quantity exceeding 5 pounds through, on or along any street, alley or public way in the city, except upon special permit issued in writing by the Chief of the Fire Department for that purpose and in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Chief of the Fire Department in the permit.
   (B)   Any vehicle used for the purpose of conveying the explosives through, on, or along any street, alley or public way in the city shall have the words “Gunpowder - Dangerous Explosives” painted or printed on the outside of each side of the vehicle, in large and legible letters not less than 6 inches high and 1-1/2 inches wide.
(Prior Code, § 93.18) Penalty, see § 93.999