No person licensed under the provisions of this subchapter shall be permitted to have or keep at any place within the city a greater quantity of gunpowder, guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury or other high explosives of similar nature than 100 pounds in the aggregate of all of the explosives, at 1 time, whether kept or stored in bulk or made up in barrels, canisters or packages; a greater number of percussion caps or primers without anvils than 2,000,000; or a greater number of primers for central fire containing metallic anvils than 1,000,000, except in powder magazines or specially constructed places as described in this subchapter. The explosives or any of them shall be kept stored in such a manner as shall be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, in a situation remote from any other inflammable matter and away from fires, lights or any other cause likely to produce combustion or conflagration.
(Prior Code, § 93.14) Penalty, see § 93.999