(A)   No person shall keep, sell, offer for sale or give away anywhere within the city any gunpowder, guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury or other high explosives of similar nature, in any quantity, whether in bulk or made up or kept in packages or cartridges, or keep, sell, offer for sale, or give away, anywhere within the city, any loaded paper or metallic shot shells or cartridges designed or intended to be used for shot guns, pistols, rifles or other firearms, or percussion caps or primers with or without anvils, without a license permit issued for that purpose. Nothing herein contained shall be held to prevent any person from keeping on his own premises, for his or her own use, a quantity of gunpowder not exceeding 1 pound or loaded shells or cartridges not exceeding 500 in number.
   (B)   Any person desiring a license permit to keep, sell or give away any gunpowder, guncotton, giant powder, dynamite, nitroglycerine, fulminate of mercury or other high explosives of similar nature or loaded paper or metallic shells intended or designed to be used in a shotgun, pistol, rifle or other firearm or percussion caps or primers, shall make application in writing to the Chief of the Fire Department to do so, setting forth in the application the name, residence and occupation of the applicant if an individual, and if a corporation, its name, principal place of business and the name and residence of its officers. The application shall also set forth the location at which it is desired or intended to keep the explosives or cartridges or percussion caps or primers, and the maximum amount of the explosives or any of them or of the cartridges or caps or primers intended to be kept on hand at any 1 time at the place, and whether the explosives are to be kept in bulk or in barrels, canisters or other packages, and the number of loaded shot shells or cartridges or percussion caps or primers intended to be kept on hand at any 1 time in the place.
(Prior Code, § 93.10) Penalty, see § 93.999