(A) Upon the grant of a residential, address-specific handicapped sticker, the Street Department shall do the following:
(1) Issue the applicant a reserved, address-specific, residential space permit with identification number;
(2) Notify the Street Department, Traffic Division to install a sign restricting the use of that space to the permit holder only, which shall show the permit holder’s address; and
(3) The sign shall have a white background with a blue figure of a wheelchair.
(B) From and after the granting of the permit, the permit holder shall do the following.
(1) Display the permit sticker in the lower left corner of the windshield of the vehicle used by the permit holder; and
(2) Promptly notify the Street Department when he or she will be no longer regularly using the parking space allocated to the permit because of a change of residence or change in health status.
(Prior Code, § 72.34) (Ord. 4749, passed 2-8-1982; Am. Ord. 9152, passed 4-9-2012)
Any failure by a permit holder to comply with the above requirements, or any falsification of the application or documents, shall be grounds for refusal by the Street Department to issue a permit to that person or address, and constitutes sufficient grounds to revoke any already-issued permit prior to expiration, or to make the issuance of a permit subject to reasonable conditions, restrictions or limitations.
(Prior Code, § 72.35) (Ord. 4749, passed 2-8-1982; Am. Ord. 9153, passed 4-9-2012)
(A) The address-specific, residential handicapped parking space designated by this section, and identified by the city permit sticker issued under this section, is only for the use by the person or vehicle that bears the corresponding permit. Parking of a vehicle other than the vehicle with the sticker corresponding to that address shall be unlawful, and shall subject the owner of that unauthorized vehicle and/or driver to be ticketed and the vehicle towed by the Police Department at its discretion.
(B) The Police Department shall have the authority to ticket and/or tow any vehicle, regardless of whether a state-issued, handicapped placard or license plate is displayed by that vehicle, which does not also display a city-issued, address-specific, residential handicapped parking sticker corresponding to the address where the residential handicapped parking space and sign is located.
(C) All city address-specific, residential handicapped parking signs shall warn that “unauthorized vehicles not displaying a City of Hammond handicapped permit sticker for this address shall be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.” The penalty for parking in such a spot without authorization shall be governed by § 72.999.
(Prior Code, § 72.36) (Ord. 4749, passed 2-8-1982; Am. Ord. 9154, passed 4-9-2012) Penalty, see § 72.999
The address-specific, residential handicapped parking zone designated by the appropriate signage pursuant to this section shall extend 21 feet back from the front face of the sign. Individuals utilizing a reserved parallel parking space should align the front bumper of the permitted vehicle within the reserved range. No other vehicle shall be allowed to park within the 21-foot designated zone when it is occupied by the address-specific, permitted vehicle from that address.
(Prior Code, § 72.37) (Ord, 7710, passed 7-25-1994; Am. Ord. 9155, passed 4-9-2012) Penalty, see § 72.999