(A)   All drug testing procedures will be conducted at an approved city facility or by an approved testing service. A drug testing custody and control form (CCF) will be used to document the chain of custody from the time the specimen is collected at the testing facility until it is tested at the laboratory.
   (B)   When the employee arrives at the collection site, the collection site will ask the employee for identification.
   (C)   The employee will be asked to remove all unnecessary outer garments (coat, jacket) and secure all personal belongings. The employee may keep his/her wallet.
   (D)   The employee will wash and dry his/her hands. After washing hands, the employee must remain in the presence of the collection site person and may not have access to fountains, faucets, soap dispensers, or other materials that could adulterate the specimen.
   (E)   Collection site personnel will select an individually wrapped or sealed container from the collection kit materials. Either collection site personnel or the employee, with both individuals present, must unwrap or break the seal of the collection container. The seal on the specimen bottle may not be broken at this time. Only the collection container may be taken into the room used for urination.
   (F)   The employee is then instructed to provide his/her specimen in a room that allows for privacy.
   (G)   The specimen must consist of at least 45 ml of urine. Within four minutes after obtaining the specimen, the collection site person will measure its temperature. The acceptable temperature range is 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If the specimen temperature is outside the acceptable range, the collector must note this on the CCF and must immediately conduct a new collection using direct observation procedures. Both specimens must be sent to the lab for testing. The collector must notify both the DER and collection site supervisor that the collection took place under direct observation and the reason for doing so.
   (H)   Collection site personnel will also inspect the specimen for color and look for signs of contamination or tampering. If there are signs of contamination or tampering, the collector must immediately conduct a new collection using direct observation procedures. Both specimens must be sent to the lab for testing. The collector must notify both the DER and collection site supervisor that the collection took place under direct observation and the reason for doing so.
   (I)   The 45 ml sample provided must be split into a primary specimen of 30 ml and a second specimen (used as the split) of 15 ml. The collection site person must place and secure the lids on the bottles, place tamper-evident bottle seals over the lids and down the sides of the bottles, and write the date on the tamper-evident seals. The employee then initials the tamper-evident bottle seals to certify that the bottles contain specimens he/she provided. All of this must be done in front of the employee.
   (J)   All identifying information must be entered on the CCF by the collection site person.
   (K)   The CCF must be signed by the collection site person, certifying collection was accomplished in accordance with the instructions provided. The employee must also sign this form indicating the specimen was his/hers.
   (L)   The collector is responsible for placing and securing the specimen bottles and a copy of the CCF into an appropriate pouch or plastic bag.
   (M)   At this point, the employee may leave the collection site.
   (N)   The collection site must forward the specimens to the lab as quickly as possible, within 24 hours or during the next business day.
   (O)   Laboratory analysis. Only a laboratory certified by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) to perform urinalysis for the presence of controlled substances will be retained by the city. The laboratory will be required to maintain strict compliance with federally approved chain-of-custody procedures, quality control, maintenance, and scientific analytical methodologies.
   (P)   All specimens are required to undergo an initial screen followed by confirmation of all positive screen results.
   (Q)   Results. The laboratory must report all test results directly to the city's medical review officer (MRO). All test results must be transmitted to the MRO in a timely manner, preferably the same day that the review by the certifying scientist is completed. All results must be reported.
   (R)   The MRO is responsible for reviewing and interpreting all confirmed positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid drug test results. The MRO must determine whether alternate medical explanations could account for the test results. After the decision is made, the MRO must notify the DER. The DER will notify the employee of the results.
(Ord. 9248, passed 4-14-2014)