(A)   Alcohol testing will be conducted at an approved city facility or by an approved testing service. The testing will be performed in a private setting. Only authorized personnel will have access, and are the only individuals who can see or hear the test results.
   (B)   When the employee arrives at the testing site, the BAT or STT will ask the employee for identification.
   (C)   The BAT or STT will then explain the testing procedure to the employee. The BAT or STT may only supervise 1 test at a time, and may not leave the testing site while the test is in progress.
   (D)   A screening test is performed first. When a breath testing device is used, the mouthpiece of the breath testing device must be sealed before use, and opened in the employee's presence. Then the mouthpiece is inserted into the breath testing device.
   (E)   The employee must blow forcefully into the mouthpiece of the testing device for at least 6 seconds or until an adequate amount of breath has been obtained.
   (F)   Once the test is completed, the BAT must show the employee the results. The results may be printed on a form generated by the breath testing device or may be displayed on the breath testing device. If the breath testing device does not print results and test information, the BAT is to record the displayed result, test number, testing device, serial number of the testing device, and time on the alcohol testing form. If the breath testing device prints results, but not directly onto the form, the BAT must affix the printout to the alcohol testing form in the designated space.
   (G)   When an alcohol screening device (ASD) is used, the screening test technician (STT) must check the device's expiration date and show it to the employee. A device may not be used after its expiration date.
   (H)   The STT will open an individually wrapped or sealed package containing the device in front of the employee and he/she will be asked to place the device in his/her mouth and use it in the manner described by the device's manufacturer.
   (I)   If the employee declines to use the device, or in a case where the device doesn't activate, the STT must insert the device in the employee's mouth and use it in the manner described by the device's manufacturer. The STT must wear single-use examination gloves and must change the gloves following each test.
   (J)   When the device is removed from the employee's mouth, the STT must follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the device is activated.
   (K)   If the procedures listed above can't be successfully completed, the device must be discarded and new test must be conducted using a new device. Again, the employee will be offered the choice of using the new device or having the STT use the device for the test.
   (L)   If the new test can't be successfully completed, the employee will be directed to immediately take a screening test using an evidential breath testing device (EBT).
   (M)   The result displayed on the device must be read within 15 minutes of the test. The STT must show the employee the device and its reading and enter the result on the ATF.
   (N)   If the reading on the EBT or ASD is less than 0.02, both the employee and the BAT or STT must sign and date the result form. The form will then be confidentially forwarded to the city's Safety Coordinator or Human Resources Consultant.
   (O)   If the reading on the EBT or ASD is 0.02 or more, a confirmation test must be performed. An EBT must be used for all confirmation tests.
   (P)   The test must be performed after 15 minutes have elapsed, but within 30 minutes of the first test. The BAT will ask the employee not to eat, drink, belch, or put anything into his/her mouth. These steps are intended to prevent the buildup of mouth alcohol, which could lead to an artificially high result.
   (Q)   A new, sealed mouthpiece must be used for the new test. The calibration of the EBT must be checked.
   (R)   If the results of the confirmation test and screening test are not the same the confirmation test will be used.
   (S)   Refusal to complete and sign the alcohol testing form or refusal to provide breath or saliva will be considered a failed test, and the employee suspended until the matter is resolved. Such refusal may also result in the employee's termination.
(Ord. 9248, passed 4-14-2014)