(A)   The city prohibits any drug use that could affect the performance of safety-sensitive functions. This drug prohibition includes:
      (1)   Use of any drug, except when administered to an employee by, or under the instructions of, a licensed medical practitioner, who has advised the employee that the substance will not affect the employee's ability to safely operate equipment, operate a vehicle and perform the employee's normal work duties (under federal and Indiana law, the use of marijuana or any Schedule I drug does not have a legitimate medical use in the United States);
      (2)   Testing positive for drugs; or
      (3)   Refusing to take a required test.
   (B)   City policy forbids the use or possession of any controlled substance on city grounds or in city vehicles.
   (C)   All employees will inform the city's Personnel Director of any therapeutic drug use prior to performing a safety-sensitive function. He/she may be required to present written evidence from a health care professional which describes the effects such medications may have on the employee's ability to perform his/her tasks. At no time will the employee be asked to provide an explanation for, or diagnosis of the reasons why such a drug is needed.
(Ord. 9248, passed 4-14-2014)