(A)   It is the city's responsibility to provide random testing that is in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations, and within the provisions of this policy. The city will retain all records related to testing and the testing process in a secure and confidential matter.
   (B)   Each employee is responsible for complying with the requirements set forth in this policy. An employee will not use, have possession of, abuse, or have the presence of alcohol or any controlled substance while on duty. The employee will not use alcohol within 4 hours of beginning work.
   (C)   All supervisors must make every effort to be aware of an employee's condition at all times the employee is working for the city. The supervisor must be able to make reasonable suspicion observations to determine if the employee is impaired in some way, and be prepared to implement the requirements of this policy if necessary.
(Ord. 9248, passed 4-14-2014)