§ 37.105 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The city is dedicated to the health and safety of our employees. Drug and/or alcohol use may pose a serious threat to health and safety. Therefore, it is the policy of the city to prevent the use of drugs and abuse of alcohol from having an adverse effect on our employees.
   (B)   The city will comply with these regulations and is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace.
   (C)   It is the policy of the city that the use, sale, purchase, transfer, possession, or presence in one's system of any controlled substance (except medically prescribed drugs) by any employee while on the city premises, engaged in city business, operating city equipment, or while under the authority of the city is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action will be taken as necessary.
   (D)   The city retains the sole right to change, amend, or modify any term or provision of this policy without notice. This policy is effective upon passage by the Hammond Common Council, and will supersede all prior policies and statements relating to alcohol or drugs. In addition, this policy is subject to all federal and state statute and regulation. Employees of the city who hold a commercial driver's license (CDL) may also be subject to regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). Wherever a conflict exists between this policy and federal or state law or regulation, federal or state law/regulation shall take precedence.
(Ord. 9248, passed 4-14-2014)