(A)   (1)   When the City Engineer shall have assigned to a building its respective number, it shall thereupon be the duty of the owner, tenant, occupant or agent in control or in possession of the building immediately, at his or her own expense, to secure suitable numbers and securely fasten the numbers to the building.
      (2)   Such numbers shall be at least 3 inches in height, painted or mounted in a conspicuous location on the side of, or above the front and rear entrances to the building or as near thereto as is possible. The numbers shall remain easily and distinctly read from the public way.
      (3)   If there is a garage at the rear of the property and the rear of the property is near an alley, the rear address must be displayed on the side of the garage facing the alley. If the rear of the property is not adjacent to an alley, no rear address is required.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant, agent or person in possession of any building to refuse to comply with the provisions of division (A) above after having been assigned a number by the City Engineer and after a notice shall have been served upon the owner, occupant, agent or person in possession by the City Engineer, setting forth the correct number of the building.
   (C)   In the event that no proper owner, occupant, agent or person in possession can be found upon whom to serve a notice as provided for in division (B) above, or in the event that there should be, in the opinion of the Board of Public Works and Safety, a willful refusal or evasion of the duty to number by the owner, occupant, agent or person in possession, the Board of Public Works and Safety may cause the numbering to be done itself. The cost thereof shall be reported by the Board to the County Auditor, and shall be placed upon the tax duplicate as a lien against the property involved, and a lien for that amount is hereby fixed in accordance with law. This remedy shall be cumulative and additional to any other penalty imposed for a violation of this subchapter.
   (D)   In addition to the enforcement of this section under division (C), this ordinance may be enforced by the duly authorized city inspector.
(Prior Code, § 150.60) (Ord. 7443, passed 12-9-91; Am. Ord. 7657, passed 2-28-93) Penalty, see § 150.999