(A)   The maximum width of any vehicle and its load shall not exceed eight feet excepting loads of loose hay, straw, corn fodder, or similar farm products, agricultural implements, and threshing machines.
   (B)   No passenger-type vehicle shall be operated on the streets with a load extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side of the vehicle nor extending more than six inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side thereof.
   (C)   No vehicle, unladen, or with load shall exceed a length of 35 feet extreme over all dimension; a truck, tractor, and semi-trailer shall be regarded as one vehicle for the purpose of determining length.
   (D)   No combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than two units, and no such combination of vehicles, unladen or with load, shall exceed a total length of 40 feet, but such length limitation shall not apply to vehicles operated in the daytime when transporting poles, pipes, machinery, or other objects which cannot be readily dismembered nor to such vehicles operated at nighttime by a public utility when engaged in emergency repair work, but such loads carried at night shall be clearly marked with sufficient lights to show the full dimensions of the load.
   (E)   No part of the load of a vehicle shall extend more than three feet in front of the extreme front portion of the vehicle.
(Prior Code, Chapter 13, Article 4, § 5) Penalty, see § 70.99