At the beginning of each year, and at such other times as contracts for supplies are to be let, the director of each department or the head of each office not in a department shall submit to the Director of Finance an estimate of all articles, supplies, commodities, equipment and materials anticipated to be needed by such department or office for its regular operation during such year. Such estimate shall specify the quantity and character of each item needed, and shall show the amount of each on hand. All such estimates shall be transmitted to the City Purchasing Agent, who shall prepare a summary statement which shall show the total quantity estimates to be required by all departments and offices of each item of such articles, supplies, commodities, equipment and materials, the amount of each on hand or in stock, and the quantities which it will be necessary or advisable to purchase during the ensuing year. Similar estimates shall be made, and a summary thereof prepared showing the quantity, character and estimated value of all articles, supplies, commodities, equipment and materials on hand or in stock, which are no longer usable or needed and which may be condemned and sold by the City.
(1931 Code §16.4310)