(a)    The Executive Director of External Services shall notify the owner, operator, or occupant of any property to properly dispose of litter located on such property that is dangerous or a nuisance to public health, safety, and welfare.
   (b)    Notice by the Executive Director of External Services shall be in the form of a letter and service of such notice may be by personal service or by regular mail. Service by regular mail shall be evidenced by a certificate of mailing and shall be deemed received three (3) business days from the date of mailing. It shall be deemed sufficient to mail the notice to the owner's, operator's, or occupant's residence, regular place of business, or last known address.
   (c)    If the property in violation of this chapter is unimproved with no structure upon which to post notification of the violation or has no mailbox upon which to mail notification of the violation, the Executive Director of External Services may cause the notification of violation to be posted upon the land.
(Ord. 2022-4-26. Passed 4-13-22.)