In any purchase of any articles, supplies, commodities, materials, equipment, and services involving an expenditure of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more, the advertisement for bids required by this chapter shall be waived if any of the following conditions exist:
   (a)    An emergency which could not reasonably have been foreseen, wherein delay would result in the interruption of public services and wherein the City would suffer a loss.
   (b)    The only available seller is a noncompetitive public utility.
   (c)    The subject matter of the purchase is only available from a single supplier.
   (d)    No bids were received as a result of a previous advertisement for the same purchase.
   (e)    Market shortages or other unusual market conditions clearly establish that prospective sellers will refuse to submit firm bids.
   In all such purchases where advertisement for bids is so waived, the director of the department concerned or the Purchasing Agent shall submit a written report to Council establishing the basis for such waiver.
(Ord. 2013-9-79. Passed 9-25-13.)