Streets and thoroughfares as specified on the Roadway Functional Classification Map shall have the minimum rights-of-way as follows, unless approved otherwise by the Planning Commission:
(1) Other Freeway and Expressway - 120 feet
(2) Principal Arterial - 120 feet
(3) Minor Arterial - 100 feet
(4) Major Collector - 100 feet
(5) Minor Collector - 80 feet
(6) Local - 60 feet
(7) Alleys - 20 feet
(b) All dead-end streets shall terminate in a circular turn-around having a minimum right-of-way diameter of eighty (80) feet, unless the Planning Commission approves a “T” or “y” shaped paved space in place of the required turning circle.
(c) Where easements are required for utilities, their width shall be at least ten (10) feet along rear or side lot lines and at least eight (8) feet behind and adjacent to the street right-of-way line. Wider easement widths may be required by Planning Commission in unique situations.
(Ord. 2021-5-30. Passed 5-12-21.)