Except as otherwise provided in these Codified Ordinances to the contrary, no entity or person shall do any of the following with respect to charges imposed by the City for the receipt of any of the City's utilities’ products or services:
   (a)    Resell such products or services to another at rates greater than those established by these Codified Ordinances for the same quantity of product or service if it were provided directly by the City's utility to such other, or
   (b)    Charge in excess of the sum of the total quantity of product or service units recorded at the meter as having been delivered to that location where a single meter measures the total product or service received at a multiple-user location and where more than one statement for product or service is then prepared and distributed by someone other than the City and sent to a third party.
   By virtue of their application, applicants for any of the City's utilities products or services expressly agree (i) to permit and cooperate in such inquiries and investigations as the City deems necessary to monitor compliance with the foregoing and (ii) to the disconnection of utility service if a violation of the foregoing is discovered.
(Ord. 2001-12-124. Passed 12-26-01.)