5.03 Removal of Officers and Employees.
Any officers or employees of the City, including assistants and employees in the office of the City Clerk, may be laid off, suspended or removed from office or employment by the officer, or successor officer, by whom appointed. Verbal or written notice of layoff, suspension or removal given directly to an officer or employee, or written notice left at or mailed to his usual place of residence shall be sufficient to put any layoff, suspension or removal into effect.
Appointments, layoffs, suspensions and removals from office or employment shall be made, and appeals and hearings from layoffs, suspensions and removals shall be allowed, conducted, and determined as provided in the Civil Service Rules adopted under Section 10.03 of this Charter. The provisions of this Charter shall prevail over State laws in conflict or at variance therewith in every case within the competence of municipal corporations to control by pursuant to this Charter. (Amended 11-3-20.)