All improvements constructed within public rights of way shall be in accordance with the established procedures and specifications of the Department of Public Works. No street shall be accepted unless the work has been inspected and approved by the Director of Public Works.
All pavement construction shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the "Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications", including all supplemental specifications, revisions and amendments thereto. All of the following item designations are as specified and defined in these specifications:
(Ord. 6648. Passed 6-3-64.)
(a) Flexible Pavement Design.
Base Structure:
(l) Minimum five inches of item 301 Bituminous Aggregate Base; or
(2) Aggregate base material may be used where adequate subsurface drainage is provided. Thickness shall be based on soil tests and design calculations approved by the City Engineer.
Surface Structure:
Three inches of compacted asphaltic concrete pavement, placed in two courses of l-l/2" of Item 403 and l-l/2" of Item 404.
(Ord. 87-4-37. Passed 4-22-87.)
(b) Rigid Pavement Design.
Rigid pavement shall be constructed of 7" of Portland cement concrete, Item 452.
Concrete curbs and gutters may be constructed integral with the pavement.
(c) Subsurface Drainage.
Subsurface drainage shall be required on all streets constructed with granular base material and may be required for all types of pavement structure where soil and underground water conditions warrant. This requirement may be waived for uniform and pervious soils provided the engineer submits sufficient and supporting soil tests and engineering data that natural drainage will be adequate and satisfactory. (Ord. 6648. Passed 6-3-64.)