No billiard or pool room license or billiard table or pool table permit shall be granted to any applicant who is known to be a person of bad moral character, or who has within twelve months preceding the date of his application for such license or permit been convicted of any offense of such character as to indicate that the applicant is not a suitable person to operate a billiard or pool room or have a billiard table or pool table permit. Nor shall such license or permit be granted if in the opinion of the Chief of Police the operation or maintenance of such place of business at the premises specified in the application would tend to inconvenience or annoy persons residing or otherwise lawfully in the vicinity thereof, or to furnish a resort to persons of bad moral character or of improper conduct or language, or to disturb the public peace or tranquility in any way. No such license or permit shall be granted until the application has been referred to the Chief of Police, nor then unless he reports that there is no objection under the provisions of this section to its issuance. (Ord. 6943. Passed 11-2-66.)