A.   The Town Budget Ordinance, shall be subject to overrule. If within twenty (20) Days after Final Action on the budget as provided in § 10-6 of this Charter, a petition signed by not less than fifteen (15%) percent of the Electors of the Town, as determined from the last official voting list, is filed with the Town Clerk requesting a referendum, the Council shall, at its next regular Meeting, fix a time not more than thirty (30) Days after such Meeting for such election, which shall be called and held in the manner provided by the General Statutes736.
      (1)   The Council may by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of those present and voting, add non-binding referenda to be on the ballot of such election737.
      (2)   The budget so referred to the Electors of the Town shall stand approved unless a majority of those voting thereon at such election shall have voted "no" and at least twenty-five (25%) percent of the Electors entitled to vote on the question shall have voted 738.
   B.   Temporary financing and spending shall be in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes739.
   C.   Failure of the Overrule740. In the event the conditions set forth in § 10-7.A (2) of this Charter are not achieved, the Final Action on the Adopted Town Budget shall be effective immediately as the Town Budget Ordinance, upon the certification of the election results.
   D.   Success of the Overrule741. In the event the conditions set forth in § 10-7.A (2) of this Charter are achieved, the Final Action on the Adopted Town Budget shall be null and void. Within fifteen (15) Days thereafter, the Legislative Council and the Mayor shall enact a Town Budget Ordinance in accordance with procedures which shall be established by Ordinance. The procedures shall include, at least one public hearing and, to the extent practicable, follow the process set forth in § 10-5 and § 10-6 of this Charter along a compressed time-line; however, preserving the veto and override authority as herein set forth. Moreover, in formulating the Town Budget Ordinance, the Legislative Council and the Mayor shall take cognizance of the results of the budget overrule.
736   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 18-5 (first paragraph, first and second sentences). The Commission reduced the threshold for petitions to 15%.
737   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 18-5 (first paragraph, third sentence).
738   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 18-5 (first paragraph, fourth sentence).
739   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 18-5 (second paragraph) was changed in order to refer to the General Statutes which governs in this instance. 1983 Charter § 18-6 is repealed in its entirety since the issue is covered by the General Statutes.
740   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 § 10-5.C.
741   2022 minor modification and recodification of 2011 § 10-5.D.