A.   Transmittal of Adopted Town Budget to Mayor729. Annually, the Adopted Town Budget shall be transmitted to the Mayor by the Clerk of the Council within five (5) Days after Council action thereon, but not later than the twenty-second (22nd) Day of May, whichever is earlier.
   B.   Mayoral Action730. Not later than the first (1st) Day of June or within fifteen (15) Days after said transmittal (whichever is earlier), the Mayor shall (a) approve; (b) fail to take action; or (c) veto the Adopted Town Budget. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mayor's veto power shall not extend to appropriation items in the Town budget regarding debt service or the auditing of Town Books and accounts 731. In the event the Mayor fails to take action upon the Adopted Town Budget, the Town Clerk shall endorse such fact upon the official copy of said Town Budget Ordinance 732.
   C.   Legislative Override of Mayoral Veto 733. The Adopted Town Budget vetoed by the Mayor shall be returned within the same fifteen (15) Days to the Clerk of the Council with a statement of the reasons for the veto.
      (1)   Following receipt of the Mayor's veto, but not later than the tenth (10th) day of June, any vetoed Adopted Town Budget, again approved by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3rds) of the Council present and voting at a Meeting, shall become effective in accordance with this section. At that time the Mayor shall have the right to publish the tax rate and expenditures shall be made in accordance with the budget so adopted, subject to the provisions of § 10-7 of this Charter.
      (2)   In the event the Mayor's veto is sustained, the Proposed Town Budget, as originally submitted by the Mayor, shall be deemed to have been adopted by the Council as the Town Budget Ordinance and the Mayor shall have the right to publish the tax rate and expenditures shall be made in accordance with the budget so adopted, subject to the provisions of § 10-7 of this Charter.
   D.   Effective Date of Town Budget Ordinance734. The Town Budget Ordinance shall become effective on the twenty-first (21st) Day after Public Notice of Final Action (unless otherwise required by Law); subject to the provisions of § 10-7 of this Charter (See, § 1-4.R).
   E.   Public Notice735. Public Notice of Final Action shall be provided within twenty-four (24) hours of Final Action, unless otherwise required by Law (See, § 1-4.R).
729   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-4.A which modified 1983 Charter § 18-4 (second paragraph, first sentence).
730   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-4.A (1) which modified 1983 Charter § 18-4 (first paragraph, first sentence and second paragraph, second sentence).
731   1983 Charter § 18-4 (first paragraph, second sentence).
732   Charter Revision of 2011.
733   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-4.A (2) which modified 1983 Charter § 18-4 (second paragraph, fourth and fifth sentence).
734   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-4.A (3) which modified 1983 Charter § 18-4 (second paragraph, third sentence), by repealing the following "...approved by the Mayor and those accepted by the Mayor's not acting to approve or veto such Town Budget within fifteen (15) days shall become effective in accordance with this section".
735   2022 recodification of 2011 § 10-4.A (4).