A. Unlawful Acts:
1. It is unlawful for any person to engage in or conduct any business in, on, over or upon any public street or place within the city or to employ any person to engage in or conduct any business in, on, over or upon any public street or place within the city, except as provided in this chapter.
2. It is unlawful for any person to go in or upon private residences in the city, not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner or occupant of such private residences, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, or for the purpose of disposing of or peddling or hawking the same, except as provided in this chapter.
3. It is unlawful for any person to distribute to the public or place on any vehicle in the public streets or place any cards, circulars, handbills, samples of merchandise or any advertising matter whatsoever on any public street or place within the city, or to employ any person to do the same in, on, over or upon any public street or place within the city except as provided in this chapter.
4. It is unlawful for any person to engage in or conduct business on any off site location within the city, or to employ any person to engage in or conduct any business on any off site location within the city except as provided in this section.
B. Exceptions: The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
1. Traveling salespersons, commercial travelers or service providers who exclusively or primarily sell to, provide service to, or solicit orders for future delivery from local retailers, local businesses, local governments, local schools, or local wholesale firms, and catering services or service providers entering private property with the permission of the occupants for sale, service, or distribution to said occupants;
2. The sale and distribution of newspapers;
3. Contribution solicitations where the person being solicited to contribute personally knows the identity of the person soliciting the contribution, the name of the group or organization he or she represents, and the nature of the services performed or offered by the group or organization;
4. The sale of tickets by local school students to a function of their school or by not for profit business or service clubs to a function of their organization;
5. Any person engaged in political activities, including funds or membership solicitations;
6. Any solicitation of information for a telephone book or a city directory by a company representative;
7. Sales of goods, services and foods associated with a business licensed under chapter 5.02 of this title;
9. The handing out of business cards by an individual upon request of the receiving party;
10. Advertising materials displayed inside buses and taxis. (Ord. 872 § 8, 2004; Ord. 851 § 1, 2003; Ord. 806 § 2, 2002; Ord. 513 § 2, 1986)