A.   Design Review Approval Or Exemption: No person shall build, develop or substantially remodel or alter the exterior of the following buildings without receiving design review approval or exemption pursuant to this chapter, as outlined in the matrix below:
Type Of Use
Exempt (PZ Chair And Administrator)
Hearings Examiner
Full PZ Review
Type Of Use
Exempt (PZ Chair And Administrator)
Hearings Examiner
Full PZ Review
New construction:
All zones: Nonresidential buildings
All zones: Residential development of 3 or more units
All zones: Accessory Dwelling Units and Tiny Homes on Wheels
Townsite Overlay District: New single-family or duplex
Townsite Overlay District: Accessory structures that add floor area equal to or greater than 50 percent of the original structure (excluding Accessory Dwelling Units and Tiny Homes on Wheels)
Commercial: Additions under 500 square feet which are not prominently visible from a public street
Townsite Overlay District: Single-family, duplex or accessory structure that adds floor area equal to or greater than 50 percent of the original structure
Townsite Overlay District: Additions that adds floor area less than 50 percent of the original structure and complies with section 17.06.020 of this chapter
Modifications that do not add square footage:
Minor facade changes, alterations to parking and other site elements
Commercial: Major deck additions; changes to architectural elements which alter the overall style of the building; addition of window(s) or door(s) or changes to existing windows or doors that result in major stylistic changes; changes to architectural elements which alter the overall style of the building
Commercial: Minor deck additions; changes to siding and/or materials; changes to window(s) or door(s) that do not result in major stylistic changes; landscape and/or parking changes that do not materially alter the flow of circulation
Murals and public art
Temporary structures
Projects which qualify under subsection 17.06.020B of this chapter
   B.   Preapplication Design Review:
      1.   Preapplication review is an optional process for all new nonresidential construction and all residential developments. The Administrator may advise applicants as to the appropriateness of the preapplication design review process for each application.
      2.   The purpose of preapplication review is to allow the commission to exchange ideas and give direction to the applicant on the "design concept", keeping in mind the purpose of this chapter and the application of the evaluation standards.
      3.   Preapplication review materials shall be submitted according to the application requirements of section 17.06.050 of this chapter. (Ord. 1336, 2023; Ord. 1320, 2023; Ord. 1275, 2021; Ord. 1226, 2017; Ord. 1191, 2015)