A. Required: An application for design review approval shall follow the procedures and be subject to the requirements established by section 17.03.070 of this title, and shall be made by at least one holder of any interest in the real property for which the design review approval is proposed.
B. Information Required: The following information is required with an application for design review:
1. The design review application form, including project name and location, and applicant and representative names and contact information.
2. One (1) twenty four inch by thirty six inch (24" x 36") set of plans and survey, and one (1) eleven inch by seventeen inch (11" x 17") set showing at a minimum the following:
a. Vicinity map, to scale, showing the project location in relationship to neighboring buildings and the surrounding area. Note: A vicinity map must show location of adjacent buildings and structures.
b. Drainage plan (grading, catch basins, piping and dry wells).
c. Utilities plan (location and size of water and sewer mains and services, gas, electric, TV and phone).
d. Site plan, to scale, showing proposed parking (including parking stall dimensions), loading, general circulation and snow storage. List square footage of subject property, including lot dimensions.
e. Landscape plan (existing landscaping on the site shown as retained, relocated or removed; proposed landscaping, including species type, size and quantity).
f. Floor plan. List gross square footage for each floor. List occupancy classification and type of construction.
g. Detailed elevations of all sides of the proposed building and other exterior elements (colors, materials).
h. Exterior lighting plan, pursuant to chapter 17.08, article C of this title (location, height, type and lumen output; spec sheets for fixtures; illuminance levels/photometrics for area lighting).
i. Sign plan (location, dimensions and lighting).
3. Plans and drawings for all buildings, except single-family dwellings and accessory structures, shall be prepared and stamped by an Idaho licensed architect.
4. A materials and colors sample board. Each sample should be approximately twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12") in size.
5. One colored rendering of at least one side of the proposed building.
6. Staging and contractor parking plan. Statement of where staging will occur, and parking plan for contractors. If any staging or parking shall occur off site, a staging/parking plan must be submitted, including materials storage, excavation (backfill) stockpile areas, job trailers, blue rooms, dumpsters, contractor parking, etc.
7. A list of the names and addresses of all property owners and residents within three hundred feet (300') of the exterior boundaries of the subject property, in a format acceptable to the City.
8. Other information as required by the Administrator, hearing examiner or the commission.
9. Payment of applicable fees.
C. Preapplication Design Review:
1. Required: An application for preapplication design review shall follow the procedures and be subject to the requirements established by section 17.03.070 of this title, and shall be made by at least one holder of any interest in the real property for which the preapplication design review is proposed.
2. Information Required: The following information is required with an application for preapplication design review:
a. The design review application form, including project name and location, and applicant and representative names and contact information.
b. One (1) eleven inch by seventeen inch (11" x 17") and one electronic copy showing at a minimum the following:
(1) Vicinity map, to scale, showing the project location in relationship to neighboring buildings and the surrounding area. Note: A vicinity map must show location of adjacent buildings and structures.
(2) Site plan, to scale, showing proposed parking, loading and general circulation.
(3) One colored rendering of at least one side of the proposed building(s).
(4) General location of public utilities (survey not required). (Ord. 1226, 2017; Ord. 1191, 2015)