For other supplementary location and bulk regulations, see chapter 17.07 of this title.
   A.   Minimum Lot Size:
      1.   Business district: See underlying zoning requirements.
      2.   Limited business, transitional, general residential districts: Four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet.
      3.   Limited residential-1 district: Six thousand (6,000) square feet.
      4.   Original townsite lots that are slightly less than three thousand (3,000) square feet (in blocks where lots are 25 feet wide) or three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet (in blocks where lots are 30 feet wide) may be rounded up to three thousand (3,000) square feet or three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet, as the case may be; provided, that the original townsite lot meets the definition of a "lot of record", as defined in section 17.02.020 of this title.
   B.   Minimum Lot Width:
      1.   Business district: See underlying zoning requirements.
      2.   Limited business, transitional, general residential districts: Thirty seven and one-half feet (371/2').
      3.   Limited residential-1 district: Fifty feet (50').
   C.   Maximum Building Height:
      1.   Business District: The maximum building height in the business district shall be thirty five feet (35'), except a building containing at least one residential dwelling unit shall have a maximum height of forty feet (40'). Any building exceeding thirty feet (30') shall comply with relevant sections and appendices of the IFC, including, but not limited to, fire access lanes, provisions for exterior roof access, and provision of sprinkler systems. No building may exceed three (3) stories from the reference street 1 frontage.
      2.   Limited Business District: Thirty five feet (35').
      3.   Transitional, General Residential, Limited Residential-1 Districts: Thirty feet (30').
   D.   Minimum Setbacks In LR, GR, TN And LB Districts:
      1.   Setback from any street right of way: Twelve feet (12'). The following exceptions apply:
         a.   Unenclosed features of a residence (e.g., front porches, stoops and decks without walls) shall be no closer than five feet (5') to the lot line. Such features do not include carports.
         b.   No garage door shall be within twenty feet (20') of any street right of way, as measured from the garage door to the street providing access to the garage.
      2.   Setback from any alley right of way: Six feet (6'). There shall be a six feet (6') horizontal separation between any building and a water meter vault. (Water meter vault and water service line locations may be moved at the property owner's expense, subject to notification and approval by the city.)
      3.   Setback from any Idaho transportation department/Wood River Trail right of way: Five feet (5'). The following exception applies:
No garage door shall be within twenty feet (20') of the right of way, as measured from the garage door to the right of way, where this right of way provides access to the garage.
      4.   Setback from property lines abutting other private property:
         a.   Base setback: Fifteen percent (15%) of lot width, or ten feet (10'), whichever is less. However, no such setback shall be less than six feet (6') (see section 17.04M.090, table 1 of this article).
         b.   Any wall, as measured from the highest point including any gable or peak in a direct vertical line to record grade, shall have a setback of one foot (1') for every two and one-half feet (21/2') of wall height (see section 17.04M.090, diagram 1 and table 2 of this article), but not less than the base setback noted in subsection D4a of this section, regardless of underlying zoning.
         c.   Roof overhangs, fire escapes, standard chimneys, bay windows and other features, which are subject to section 17.07.010, "Supplementary Yard Setback Requirements", of this title, shall not have a setback less than five feet (5') from property lines abutting other private property.
         d.   Wainscot detail not higher than three feet (3') as measured from record grade may intrude not more than six inches (6") into the required setback.
         e.   The townhouse sublot side yard setback along the common wall boundary line shall be zero feet (0').
   E.   Minimum Setbacks In The B District: None, except as follows:
      1.   Townhouse units shall be allowed zero setbacks from the lot lines created by a townhouse sublot; and
      2.   The separation of the buildings containing townhouse units in a townhouse development parcel shall be not less than six feet (6') as measured between any wall or any projection of a building, including, but not limited to, eaves, cornices, canopies or other similar roof overhang features, pergolas, chimney chases, bay windows, decks, steps, wainscot and utility meters; or the minimum distance required by the IBC and IFC, whichever is greater.
   F.   Accessory Dwelling Units: Accessory dwelling units shall have a minimum gross floor area of three hundred (300) square feet and a maximum gross floor area of one thousand (1,000) square feet; tiny homes on wheels are exempt. Supplemental standards for accessory dwelling units and tiny homes on wheels are contained in Chapter 17.08, Article D. Accessory Dwelling Units and Tiny Homes on Wheels.
   G.   Maximum Lot Coverage:
      1.   Business district: No maximum.
      2.   Limited business district: Seventy percent (70%).
      3.   Transitional Districts and all lots within the General Residential (GR) and Limited Residential (LR-1 & LR-2) Zoning Districts that are forty-five hundred (4,500) square feet or smaller: Thirty percent (30%) expect as follows:
Forty percent (40%) lot coverage shall be allowed where at least seventy five percent (75%) of required parking spaces are enclosed within a structure.
      4.   General Residential (GR), Limited Residential (LR-1) Districts (lots larger than forty-five hundred (4,500) square feet)):
Building Height
Maximum Lot Coverage
2 or more stories above grade, no garage
2 or more stories above grade, with garage
Less than 2 stories above grade, no garage
Less than 2 stories above grade, with garage
   H.   Maximum Multi-Family Residential Density: See underlying zoning requirements.
   I.   Maximum Lot Size:
      1.   Business, limited business, limited residential-1 districts: No maximum.
      2.   Transitional, general residential: Eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet. (Ord. 1320, 2023; Ord. 1298, 3-28-2022; Ord. 1275, 2021; Ord. 1191, 2015)



1. Reference streets: River Street, Main Street, 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue. If a lot does not have frontage on any of these streets, then the street fronting the lot becomes the reference street.