Words and phrases used in this title shall have the meanings set forth in this chapter. All other words and phrases shall be given their common, ordinary meaning, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. For the purpose of this title, certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows:
   A.   The word "person" includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation, or any other entity capable of owning or holding any interest in real property, as well as an individual.
   B.   The word "shall" is a mandatory requirement, and the word "may" is permissive.
   C.   The present tense includes the future tense, the singular includes the plural, and the plural number includes the singular, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
   D.   The words "used" or "occupied" include the words "intended", "designed", "maintained" or "arranged". (Ord. 1191, 2015)
ANSI: The American National Standards Institute, and as may be subsequently amended.
ATV: Any self-propelled vehicle with two (2) or more tires with a seat or saddle for use of the rider (e.g., dirt bikes and 4 wheelers) or any self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for travel on snow or ice, which may be steered by tracks, skis or runners (e.g., snowmobiles and snow cats).
ABOVEGROUND FLAMMABLE LIQUID TANK(S): A type of fuel tank. Any vessel containing more than sixty (60) gallons (227 l) of class I-A liquids, class I-B liquids or class I-C liquids, or as more particularly described in the IFC ("flammable liquid") (e.g., gasoline). Aboveground flammable liquids do not include LPG (propane).
ABOVEGROUND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID TANK(S): A type of fuel tank. Any vessel containing more than sixty (60) gallons (227 l) of class II liquids, class III-A liquids or class III-B liquids, or as more particularly described in the IFC ("combustible liquid") (e.g., diesel). Aboveground combustible liquids do not include LPG (propane).
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT: A structure subordinate to the principal use on the same lot or premises having kitchen facilities and at least one bathroom, to be occupied as a residence, which is incidental to the use of the principal building.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: A structure containing the accessory use upon a lot.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, ATTACHED: Any accessory structure located within three feet (3') of or attached to the principal building.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, DETACHED: Any accessory structure located more than three feet (3') from the principal building.
ACCESSORY USE: A use subordinate to the principal use on the same lot or premises and serving a purpose customarily incidental to the use of the principal use and is a use that is commonly, habitually and by long practice, established or associated in the city with such principal use.
ADMINISTRATOR: The person designated by the mayor or city administrator to oversee the administration of this title.
AIRPORT: Any runway, landing area or other facility designed or used for all landing and taking off of aircraft, including all associated taxiways, aircraft storage, maintenance and tie down areas, fueling facilities, hangars, passenger terminals and other buildings,either for regularly scheduled commercial aircraft or for general aviation only when there is also regularly scheduled commercial aircraft service. For the purposes of this definition, regularly scheduled commercial aircraft shall mean an air carrier (certified under CFR title 14, part 121) other than a charter air carrier (certified under CFR title 14, part 135), while general aviation shall mean all other aircraft use.
ALLEY: A minor way which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
ALTERATION: Any change in size, shape, character, occupancy or use of a building or structure.
APARTMENT: A multiple-family dwelling containing three (3) or more dwelling units in which all units, exclusive of a unit which may be occupied by the owner, are rented or leased.
APIARY: Any place where one or more colonies of honeybees are located and the honeybees are kept within hive(s).
AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN: A plan encompassing all contiguous parcels controlled by the same owner, which includes: legal description of contiguous parcels; name(s) of owner(s) of contiguous parcels; streets within and adjacent to the contiguous parcels, whether public or private; water main lines and sewer main lines; other utilities, including power, telephone, cable, gas; parks, if required under this title; grading and drainage; easements; hazardous or natural resource areas.
AREA MEDIAN INCOME (AMI): The combined gross income for all persons living in a dwelling unit as calculated by the United States department of housing and urban development annually for Blaine County.
AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: Services for motor vehicles, including repair, washes, and detailing services.
BAR: Any commercial establishment serving alcoholic beverages and providing entertainment for patrons including nightclubs, lounges, and cabarets, but not including food services, and as provided by Idaho Code.
BASE FLOOD: The flood having a one percent (1%) chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. This is a regulatory standard also referred to as the "100-year flood". The base flood is used by the NFIP as the basis for mapping, insurance rating and regulating new construction.
BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE): The water surface elevation resulting from the base flood that is tied to a specified datum. The base flood elevation (BFE) is depicted on the FIRM to the nearest foot and in the FIS to the nearest 0.1 foot.
BASEMENT: The portion of a structure, including crawl space, with its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
BED AND BREAKFAST INN: A building which has no more than eight (8) sleeping rooms available for rent for short term (less than 15 days) residential occupancy, served through a main entrance.
BEEKEEPER: A person who owns or has charge of one or more colonies of honeybees.
BEEKEEPING: The occupation of owning and breeding honeybees for their honey.
BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE: A building in which the proprietor resides and which has not more than six (6) rooms available for rent or lease for residential occupancy and in which no cooking or dining facilities are provided in the individual rooms.
BUFFER: Something which provides protection from and lessens the negative impacts one land use may have on another. A buffer may include, but is not limited to, a landscape strip, solid fence or solid wall. A zoning district may also serve as a buffer by inclusion or exclusion of certain uses and/or bulk or other requirements that serve to lessen the negative impacts of a more intensive zoning district.
BUILDING: Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
BUILDING DIMENSION: The total length or width of a building footprint. See diagram.
BUILDING ENVELOPE: A platted boundary within which all buildings upon a lot must be located.
BUILDING FOOTPRINT (FOOTPRINT): The area of the lot or parcel which is within the perimeter created by a vertical extension to the ground of the exterior walls of all enclosed portions of a building, also including attached garages, carports and porte-cocheres, enclosed decks, enclosed porches, solariums and similar enclosed extensions, attachments and accessory annexes. Not included in the footprint are unenclosed portions or extensions of buildings, including, but not limited to, unenclosed decks, porches, eaves and roof overhangs.
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The Hailey building official.
BULK REQUIREMENTS: The combination of controls which establishes minimum and maximum lot sizes and dimensions and minimum and maximum size of buildings and their location on a lot, including:
   A. The size of buildings and other structures.
   B. The shape of buildings and other structures.
   C. The location of exterior walls of buildings and other structures, in relation to property lines, streets and other buildings or structures.
   D. Lot coverage.
   E. Lot area per dwelling unit.
CATERING SERVICES: A type of food service business that prepares and stores food and utensils for off-premise consumption.
CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT: That area containing all properties lying within the business and limited business districts on or adjacent to Main Street, River Street and 1st Avenue, and between the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Main Street, and the intersection of McKercher Boulevard and Main Street.
CHANNEL: A natural or artificial watercourse with definite bed and banks to confine and conduct continuously or periodically flowing water, and which, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, shall be presumed to consist of the area between the boundaries of vegetation on either side of the watercourse.
CHICKEN COOP: A building or enclosed structure which houses hens.
CITY: The City of Hailey, Idaho.
CITY ENGINEER: The Hailey City Engineer.
CITY STANDARDS: Those standards for street, drainage, water, sewer, wastewater, and other infrastructure improvements adopted by ordinance in accordance with the notice and hearing procedures provided in Idaho Code section 67-6509.
CO-LIVING DEVELOPMENT: A building, or portion thereof, containing ten (10) or more private living spaces, at least one (1) shared kitchen, and at least one (1) shared living space. Each private living space shall include a bedroom and private bathroom. Private living spaces within a co-living development shall be leased for residential occupancy only, and each unit shall meet the occupancy requirements of the International Building and International Fire Codes. A full-time or onsite Property Manager is required.
COMBINED RETAIL/WHOLESALE TRADE: A type of retail trade that incorporates wholesale trade. Combined retail/wholesale trade businesses:
   A. Share check stands or storage areas;
   B. Share management; or
   C. Are owned, leased, possessed or otherwise controlled, in any manner, directly or indirectly:
      1. By the same individual(s) or entity(ies), including, but not limited to, corporation(s), partnership(s), limited liability company(ies) or trust(s); or
       2. By different individuals or entities, including, but not limited to, corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies or trusts where: a) such individual(s) or entity(ies) have a controlling ownership or contractual right with the other individual(s) or entity(ies); or b) the same individual(s) or entity(ies) act in any manner as an employee, owner, partner, agent, stockholder, director, member, officer or trustee of the entity(ies), and are located within one or more separate buildings or structures within eight hundred feet (800') of one another, regardless whether they are attached or detached.
COMMERCIAL PROJECT: A structure or development that, after completion, would be devoted to commercial or business use.
COMMERCIAL USE: An occupancy of a building, structure, or other property which involves any retail sale, wholesale distribution, office, entertainment service, recreational area, restaurant, room for rent, manufacturing, hybrid production facility or other nonresidential use. However, this definition shall not include churches, public schools, hospitals, public civic centers or public recreational facilities, or other facilities owned by, or operated strictly for the benefit of, the public.
COMMISSION: The governing body of the City of Hailey, Idaho.
COMMUNAL AREA: The term communal area may include one or more common lounges, recreation rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, useable entry areas, foyers and lobbies that are accessible to all residents of the building, with sufficient accommodations for socializing and meeting. Not included in communal area are hallways and corridors, supply, janitorial or laundry areas, operations and maintenance areas, staff areas and offices and required bicycle parking areas or tenant storage areas.
COMMUNITY BUILDING: A small building, intended as a gathering space, to be shared by residents of a residential development and platted as part of the development's common area.
COMMUNITY CENTER: A facility, which may be located on public or private property that functions primarily to provide a community-centered meeting hall for members of the public to carry out local community-oriented activities and public and civic functions. Examples of such facilities include grange halls, community sponsored meeting halls, and veterans halls, typically consisting of one or more meeting or multipurpose room and a kitchen and/or outdoor barbecue facilities, that are available for use by various groups for such activities as public assemblies, meetings, private meetings, parties, weddings, receptions, and dances.
COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND: An interest-bearing account held in trust by the City for the creation of community housing for the benefit of the City.
COMMUNITY HOUSING PLAN: The plan that specifically describes the market rate units and the community housing units to be constructed in any development, or alternatives to community housing units, and that is approved by the City in accordance with standards and criteria adopted by the local housing authority or as otherwise allowed by the Council.
COMMUNITY HOUSING UNIT: Through a deed restriction, a dwelling unit that is restricted by size, type and cost, and/or that is for sale or rent exclusively to individual(s) meeting income, occupancy and/or other affordable community housing criteria established in a community housing plan approved by the City of Hailey.
COMPATIBILITY: The characteristics of different designs which, despite their differences, allow them to be located near each other in harmony, such as scale, height, materials, fencing, landscaping and location of service areas.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Hailey, as adopted by resolution or ordinance by the City pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6501 et seq., and as may be subsequently amended.
CONDITIONAL USE: A use or occupancy of land permitted only upon the issuance of conditional use permit, and subject to the limitations and restrictions specified in such permit in addition to all other applicable regulations and provisions of this title.
CONDOMINIUM: An estate consisting of an undivided interest in common in real property, in an interest or interests in real property, or any combination thereof, together with a separate interest in real property, in an interest or interests in real property, or any combination thereof.
CONTIGUOUS PARCELS: Two (2) or more parcels of real property that share at least one common boundary of any length, or any portion of a boundary, with a separate parcel of real property, or are separated only by intervening streets or other City owned parcels not more than one hundred feet (100') in width, controlled by the same owner.
CONVENIENCE STORE: A retail business with a primary emphasis placed on providing the public with a convenient location to quickly purchase from a wide array of consumable products (predominantly food or food and gasoline) and services. Convenience stores have the following characteristics:
   A. Building size may vary significantly, typically less than five thousand (5,000) square feet;
   B. Off street parking and/or convenient pedestrian access;
   C. Extended hours of operation with many open twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week;
   D. Stock of at least five hundred (500) SKUs (stock keeping units);
   E. Product mix includes grocery type items and also includes items from the following groups: beverages, snacks (including confectionery) and tobacco.
COTTAGE DEVELOPMENT: A residential project of two (2) or more detached cottage dwelling units that are either fee simple, located on platted sublots, or are rental units, located on a shared parcel owned by a single landlord entity. Cottage developments are subject to the provisions of Title 16: Subdivision Regulations and Title 17: Zoning Regulations, which allow for increased density, limit lot and dwelling unit sizes, describe parking standards, require common open space, and outline other, additional requirements. Separation between units and/or buildings shall comply with applicable building and fire code requirements and all other applicable codes and ordinances.
COTTAGE DWELLING UNIT: A detached dwelling unit characterized by its small size, vernacular aesthetic with porches, and intended purpose of promoting a sense of community within the development. Cottage dwelling units shall include independent living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. Cottage dwelling units shall be located in a cottage development and are subject to the applicable cottage requirements within Title 16: Subdivision Regulations and Title 17: Zoning Regulations.
COUNCIL: The City Council of the City of Hailey.
CURB CUT: An interruption in a curb or street edge to allow vehicular access from a property to the street typically associated with a driveway or parking lot entrance or exit.
CUT: Excavation and/or removal of earthen material.
DATUM: A common vertical elevation reference point, usually in relation to sea level.
DAYCARE BUSINESS: The care and supervision, provided for compensation, during part of a twenty four (24) hour day, for a child or children, under the age of thirteen (13), not related by blood or marriage to the person or persons providing the care, in a place other than the child's own home. This term includes preschools, nursery schools, play schools, kindercare, childcare and any like or similar operation.
DAYCARE CENTER: A daycare business providing care for thirteen (13) or more children.
DAYCARE FACILITY: A daycare business providing care for seven (7) to twelve (12) children.
DAYCARE HOME: A daycare business providing care for six (6) or fewer children at any one time, having not more than three (3) employees, and operating between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
DECK: An exterior floor system supported on at least two (2) opposing sides by an adjacent structure and/or posts, piers or other independent supports. A "deck" less than thirty inches (30") above adjacent grade is not subject to the setback requirements of this title.
DEED RESTRICTION: A method by which occupancy and resale of real property is controlled in a deed to create community housing units.
DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: An individual who is registered or licensed to practice their respective design profession, as either an architect, engineer, landscape architect, or surveyor, as defined by statutory requirements of the professional registration laws in Idaho.
DEVELOPMENT: Any disturbance, cut, fill, new construction, exterior remodeling, landscaping, fencing, grubbing or site preparation.
DISTURB: To alter the position or arrangement of the ground and its features.
DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY: A structure where service associated with a principal use is provided to the customer from a service window or service area designed to accommodate motorized vehicle access.
DRIVEWAY: A vehicular access constructed on private property providing access to not more than two (2) residential dwelling units.
DUPLEX: A multiple-family dwelling containing two (2) dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT: A building or separate portion thereof having a single kitchen and providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, designed to be occupied as a residence. Every dwelling unit shall have a total gross floor area of not less than two hundred (200) gross square feet and shall include other requirements as specified in the IBC or IRC.
ELEVATION: A drawing showing the entire height and width of an exterior wall of a building.
EMPLOYEE: Any person working for compensation in any business.
ENCLOSURE (SENSE OF): An experience in which a pedestrian feels sheltered in a semiprivate realm. Buildings, trees, landscaping and street widths are all factors in creating a sense of enclosure.
ENERGY STAR: A joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping participants save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. Standards are set forth jointly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.
ERECT: To build, construct, reconstruct, move upon or perform any other physical operations on the premises required for building. Associated excavation or fill shall be considered a part of erection.
FACADE: The exterior wall of a building exposed to public view or that can be viewed by persons not within the building.
FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA): The Federal Agency with the overall responsibility for administering the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
FENCE: A barrier constructed to be an enclosure or an exclosure or to delineate a boundary and located within twenty feet (20') of a property line.
FENESTRATION: The arrangement of windows in a building.
FILL: Deposit of earthen material or other materials typically associated with new construction (e.g., landscaping, pavers, pavement and culverts).
FINANCE AND INSURANCE FIRMS: Establishments primarily engaged in financial transactions (transactions involving the creation, liquidation or change in ownership of financial assets) and/or in facilitating financial transactions, including, but not limited to, banks, insurance companies and investment companies.
FLOOD: General and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two (2) or more properties from: a) the overflow of inland waters; b) the unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff or surface waters from any source; c) mudflow; or d) collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood, as defined herein.
FLOOD FRINGE: The portion of the floodplain outside of the floodway covered by floodwaters during the base flood.
FLOOD HAZARD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT BOARD: The Floodplain Administrator, the City Engineer and the Building Official.
FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM): An official map of a community, issued by the FEMA, delineating the areas of special flood hazard and/or risk premium zones applicable to the community that is specifically defined as the "special flood hazard areas inundated by 100-year flood" on the current edition of the flood insurance rate map (FIRM), community map panel numbers 160022-0662, 160022-0664, 160022-0668, 160022-0856 and 160022-0857, or as modified by FEMA.
FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY (FIS): The report published by FEMA for a community along with the community's FIRM. The FIS contains such background data such as the base flood discharges and water surface elevations that were used to prepare the FIRM.
FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION (FPE): As defined in Idaho Code section 46-1021(7), an elevation that shall correspond to the elevation of the one percent (1%) chance annual flood (base flood elevation or BFE), plus any increased flood elevation due to floodway encroachment, plus any required freeboard. The flood protection elevation for the city of Hailey is equal to BFE plus one foot (1') of freeboard; the freeboard accounts for any flood elevation increases due to floodway encroachment as shown in the community's flood insurance study.
FLOODPLAIN: The land that has been or may be covered by floodwaters, or is surrounded by floodwater and inaccessible, during the occurrence of the base flood that is specifically defined as the "special flood hazard areas inundated by 100-year flood" on the current edition of the flood insurance rate map (FIRM), or as modified by FEMA by an interpretation of on site elevations. The riverine floodplain includes the floodway and the flood fringe.
FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR: That individual designated by the administrator to administer chapter 17.04, article J of this title.
FLOODWAY (REGULATORY FLOODWAY): The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height shown as the "floodway areas in zone AE" on the flood insurance rate map (FIRM).
FOOD SERVICE: A business that prepares or serves food and drink on or off site. Food may also be distributed to customers through take out, delivery, or catering. Typical food services include, but are not limited to, restaurants, cafes, and delis. A food service business may also serve alcoholic beverages.
FOOTPRINT: See definition of Building Footprint (Footprint).
FREEBOARD: A factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level, the BFE, for the purposes of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, obstructed bridge openings, debris and ice jams, and the hydrologic effects of urbanization in a watershed. The freeboard for the city of Hailey is equal to base flood elevation (BFE) plus one vertical foot.
FRONTAGE: The distance along the front lot line.
GABLE: Any triangular shaped, upper part of a building wall, usually under a pitched roof.
GALLERY: A space used for the display or sale of works of art. Galleries typically welcome the public.
GARAGE: A building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle is or is intended to be stored. Garages contain parking spaces.
GASOLINE STATION: Retail establishment selling gasoline, diesel, and similar fuel products.
GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Offices for federal, state, and local government agencies that administer, oversee and manage public programs and have executive, legislative or judicial authority over other institutions within a given area.
GREEN SPACE: Land dedicated or restricted as parks, pathways, connective greenways, recreational assets and/or open space.
GRID-CONNECTED SYSTEM: A photovoltaic solar energy system that is connected to an electric circuit served by an electric utility company.
GROSS FLOOR AREA: The gross area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, including all floor levels, exclusive of vent shafts, outdoor courts, attics or garages, or other enclosed automobile parking areas subject to the following restrictions:
   A.   The basement of a single- or multiple-family dwelling is not included as floor area; and
   B.   The basement of any other building is included as floor area.
GROUPED RETAIL TRADE: A combination of two (2) or more individual retail trades and/or wholesale trades (e.g., a shopping center).
HEALTH AND FITNESS FACILITY: A business or membership organization providing exercise facilities and/or nonmedical personal services to patrons, including, but not limited to, gymnasiums, private clubs (athletic, health, or recreational), tanning salons, and weight control establishments.
HEIGHT OF BUILDING: The greatest vertical distance measured from the lowest point of record grade or finish grade, whichever is lower, within any portion of the building footprint to the highest point of the roof surface thereof, exclusive of cupolas, chimneys up to ten feet (10') above the highest point of the roof surface, steeples, and spires.
HEIGHT OF FENCE OR SCREEN: The vertical distance measured from record grade to the top of the fence.
HILLSIDE: The land located within the hillside overlay district as shown on Hailey's official zoning map.
HISTORIC STRUCTURE: Any building or structure that was originally constructed, in whole or in part, prior to 1941, regardless whether the building or structure was constructed or relocated within the townsite overlay district, unless the Hailey historic preservation commission has recommended that the building or structure does not maintain the historic architectural qualities, historic associations or archaeological values of other historic structures within the townsite overlay district.
HIVE:A frame hive, including a Langstroth hive, which has removable frames.
HOME OCCUPATION:A business related activity conducted entirely within a dwelling which is incidental and secondary to the use of a dwelling as a residence and does not negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. A daycare business located within a dwelling is not considered a home occupation for the purposes of city business licensing. Home occupations, where permitted, shall meet the following requirements:
   A.   The home occupation shall not change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood.
   B.   There shall be no exterior advertising.
   C.   There shall be no sale or rental of stocks, supplies or products conducted on the premises.
   D.   There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material or equipment associated with the home occupation.
   E.   There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property lines. There shall be no operation of power tools, whether indoors or outdoors.
   F. The home occupation shall not create the need for additional parking.
   G. The home occupation shall employ no unrelated person who is not a permanent resident of the dwelling.
   H. There shall be no significant increase in traffic in the vicinity of the dwelling as a result of the home occupation.
   I. Storage of explosive, combustible or hazardous materials shall conform to the regulations and restrictions of the IFC and IBC.
HONEYBEE: The common honeybee, Apis mellifera L., at any stage of maturity, but excluding the African honeybee, Apis mellifera scutellata. Honeybees include queens, workers and drones.
HOTEL: A building which is used for short term occupancy, offering sleeping accommodations to the public on a nightly basis and access to all sleeping rooms through an interior entrance, and which may provide food, entertainment, meeting facilities or various personal services.
HUMAN SCALE: Architectural and site design elements clearly oriented to human proportions, activity and perception.
HYBRID PRODUCTION FACILITY: A commercial operation or use, on one or more premises, where finished consumer goods are manufactured or produced and those same goods are offered for sale to the general public. Hybrid production facilities must be similar in size, scale and scope of operation with adjacent or nearby uses.
IBC: The international building code as adopted by state law and/or the city, and as may be subsequently amended.
IFC: The international fire code as adopted by state law and/or the city, and as may be subsequently amended.
IRC: The international residential code as adopted by state law and/or the city, and as may be subsequently amended.
INCOME CATEGORY A grouping of household incomes based on a percentage of AMI.
Percentage of AMI
INFILL: The placement of new buildings into established urban areas, which usually results in an increase in the existing building stock.
INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES: Establishments engaged in providing services, including, but not limited to, locksmiths, alarm system companies and armored car services. Investigation and security services are considered a type of personal service.
KITCHEN: A room or area for storage, preparation and cooking of food.
LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (LEED) GREEN BUILDING RATING SYSTEM: The rating system adopted by the U.S. green building council as established in the applicable current edition of LEED for new construction, LEED for multiple buildings, LEED for existing buildings, LEED for commercial interiors, LEED for core and shell, LEED for schools, LEED for retail, LEED for healthcare, LEED for homes, and LEED for neighborhood development.
LETTER OF MAP CHANGE (LOMC): An official FEMA determination, by letter, to amend or revise effective flood insurance rate maps, flood boundary and floodway maps, and flood insurance studies. LOMCs are issued in the following categories:
   Letter Of Map Amendment (LOMA): An official amendment, by letter, to an effective national flood insurance program (NFIP) map. An LOMA establishes a property's location in relation to the special flood hazard area (SFHA). LOMAs are usually issued because a property has been inadvertently mapped as being in the floodplain, but is actually on natural high ground above the base flood elevation.
   Letter Of Map Revision (LOMR): FEMA's modification to an effective flood insurance rate map (FIRM), or flood boundary and floodway map (FBFM), or both. LOMRs are generally based on the implementation of physical measures that affect the hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding source and thus result in the modification of the existing regulatory floodway, the effective base flood elevations (BFEs), or the special flood hazard area (SFHA). The LOMR officially revises the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) or flood boundary and floodway map (FBFM), and sometimes the flood insurance study (FIS) report, and when appropriate, includes a description of the modifications. The LOMR is generally accompanied by an annotated copy of the affected portions of the FIRM, FBFM or FIS report.
   Letter Of Map Revision Based On Fill (LOMR-F): FEMA's modification of the special flood hazard area (SFHA) shown on the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) based on the placement of fill outside the existing regulatory floodway. The LOMR-F does not change the FIRM or FIS report.
LIGHT MANUFACTURING: Enterprises engaged in the processing, manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products, from processed or previously manufactured materials. Light manufacturing is capable of operating in such a manner as to control the external effects of the manufacturing process, such as smoke, noise, loot, dirt, vibration, odor, etc., by containing operations within building(s), and with exterior storage areas comprising less than twenty percent (20%) of the floor area of the building(s).
LOADING SPACE, OFF STREET: Space logically and conveniently located for pick ups and deliveries and accessible to such vehicles when required parking spaces are filled.
LOCAL HOUSING AUTHORITY: An independent public body corporate and politic created under the housing authorities and cooperation law, Idaho Code section 50-1901 et seq., including the Blaine County housing authority or other entity created by the city of Hailey, providing oversight, review and general assistance in the provision of community housing units to the city.
LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS: Hotels, motels, bed and breakfast inns, and boarding and rooming houses.
LOT: Plot, parcel or tract of land with fixed boundaries of sufficient size to meet minimum zoning requirements for use, coverage and area, and to provide such yards and other open spaces as are herein required. Such lot may consist of:
   A. A single lot of record;
   B. A combination of complete lots of record or portions of lots of record.
LOT, CORNER: A lot located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets.
A. Lot, normal corner: See diagram.
B. Lot, reverse corner: See diagram.
LOT COVERAGE: The percent of the total lot area included within the footprint of all buildings.
LOT LINE, FRONT: The property line dividing a lot from a street. On a corner lot, only one street line shall be considered the front lot line and the main or front entrance to the principal building on the lot shall face such lot line. For buildings located on a corner with more than one business within the building, the front lot line is the side where the businesses' street address is listed.
LOT LINE, REAR: The lot line opposite or most directly opposite the front lot line.
LOT LINE, SIDE: Any lot line other than the front or rear lot lines.
LOT OF RECORD: A lot which is part of a subdivision or within the Hailey townsite recorded in the office of the county recorder or a lot described by metes and bounds, the description of which has been so recorded before the adoption of the subdivision ordinance.
LOT SIZE: The area of land within the fixed boundaries of a "lot", as defined in this section, excluding any portion of the lot lying between mean high water marks.
LOT WIDTH: The distance parallel to the front lot line, measured between side lot lines through that part of the building envelope or buildable area of the lot where the lot is narrowest.
LOWEST FLOOR: The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement) used for living purposes, which includes working, storage, cooking and eating, or recreation, or any combination thereof. This includes any floor that could be converted to such a use including a basement or crawl space. An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage, in an area other than a basement, is not considered a structure's lowest floor. The lowest floor is a determinate for the flood insurance premium for a building, home or business.
MANUFACTURED HOME: A structure, constructed according to HUD/FHA home construction and safety standards, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. Manufactured homes, where permitted, shall meet the following minimum requirements:
   A. The manufactured home shall be multisectional and shall enclose a space, exclusive of garage or accessory space, of not less than eight hundred sixty four (864) square feet.
   B. The manufactured home shall be placed on a foundation that meets all city requirements under the IBC and IRC. The foundation shall be backfilled so that the manufactured home is no more than twelve inches (12") above finished grade. The individual installing the manufactured home shall remove the wheels and trailer tongue from the home immediately upon installation.
   C. The manufactured home shall have a minimum roof pitch of three to twelve (3:12).
   D. The manufactured home shall have exterior roofing and siding which is similar in material, texture and color to material commonly used throughout the neighborhood or subdivision in which the manufactured home is to be located.
MARKET RATE UNIT: A dwelling unit in a residential or mixed use development that is not a community housing unit.
MASS: The combination of the three (3) dimensions of length, height and depth which give a building its overall shape.
MASTER PLAN: A strategic plan, adopted by a City resolution or ordinance, and as may be subsequently amended.
MAYOR: The duly elected or appointed mayor of the city of Hailey.
MEAN HIGH WATER MARK: The mark on all watercourses, where the presence and action of waters is so common and continued in all ordinary years as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation and destroy its value for agricultural purposes. In areas where riprap bank stabilization has occurred, the measurement shall begin on the landward side of such stabilization work.
MEDICAL SERVICE: A service provided by a healthcare professional or organization, to treat and prevent any illness or condition associated with the human body; such as psychotherapy, chiropractic therapy, acupuncture, in- patient or out-patient surgery, dentistry, nutrition counseling, dermatology, obstetrics, gynecology, and midwifery.
MIXED USE BUILDING: A building that has more than one use, usually residential units in combination with commercial/retail, office, institutional, or industrial use within the same structure.
MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: A development project with one (1) or more buildings that allows for various combined uses, such as commercial/retail, office, institutional, industrial, or residential uses within the same structure or structures.
MOTEL: A building or group of buildings which are used for short term occupancy, offering sleeping accommodations to the public on a nightly basis, which may provide food and entertainment totally within the principal building of the motel.
MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING: A residential building containing two (2) or more attached dwellings units, including but not limited to apartments, condominiums, and attached townhouses.
MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: A development containing a multi-family building or buildings with attached dwellings units, including but not limited to apartments, condominiums, and attached townhouses.
MUNICIPAL CODE: The Hailey municipal code, as may be amended.
MUNICIPAL USES: Use for a public purpose by the city only.
MURAL: A painting created directly on a wall or painted directly on a panel(s), or other material and permanently or temporarily applied to a wall.
NAICS: The most recent edition of the North American industrial classification system published by the United States department of commerce.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: A building or structure not conforming to the provisions of this title, but which was lawfully existing or for which a valid building permit existed at the time of adoption of this title.
NONCONFORMING LOT: A lot or parcel of land not conforming to the provisions of this title, but which was lawfully existing at the time of adoption of this title.
NONCONFORMING USE: A use not conforming to the provisions of this title, but which was lawfully existing at the time of adoption of this title.
OFFICE: A room or part of a building in which people conduct business and service operations, generally at desks with computers and phones. Officers, as a secondary use may be paired with medical services, personal services, skilled construction and industrial trades, and more.
OUTPATIENT ANIMAL SERVICES: An outpatient facility dedicated to the veterinary examination, care, and treatment, or the grooming, of domestic animals or pets, excluding livestock. Outpatient animal services shall, as a minimum, meet the following requirements:
   A. Outpatient animal services shall not have or make any provision for boarding any animal.
   B. Any animal brought to the service location shall stay under the direct control and supervision of the animal's owner or owner's representative.
   C. Any and all animals brought to the service location shall be leashed or caged at all times, except when under the direct control of the person or persons giving service.
   D. In a multi-unit building, outpatient animal services shall create an exclusive entrance, apart from the entrances to adjacent uses and units.
OWNER: Any individual, firm, association, syndicate, corporation, trust, partnership, limited liability company or any other legal entity having an ownership or contractual interest in the land subject to the proceedings under this title.
PARCEL DELIVERY TERMINAL: Terminal or transfer point for the delivery of shipping container parcels or other consumer goods, which may include processing nodes for freight, supply chain and freight operations. Such facilities may include limited retail services.
PARK: A parcel of land dedicated to the city or privately owned and clearly accessible to the public free of charge for nonexclusive recreation and/or cultural use. A park is maintained for the primary purposes of diverse recreational and social opportunities. A park may include one of the following:
   A parcel of land, between one-fourth (1/4) acre and one acre in size, that is privately owned and maintained, unless otherwise allowed by the council, but that is used for nonexclusive public recreation and/or cultural purposes.
   Neighborhood Park: A parcel of land generally one or more acres in size dedicated to the city for nonexclusive public recreation and/or cultural use.
   Park/Cultural Space: A parcel of land less than one-fourth (1/4) acre in size and located in the business (B), limited business (LB) and transitional (TN) zoning districts, that is privately owned and maintained but that is used for nonexclusive public recreation and/or cultural purposes. A park/cultural space may include courtyards, plazas, gardens, expanded sidewalks and covered areas, provided access to the park/cultural space is available from a public street or property and is normally open to the exterior (e.g., not enclosed in a building).
PARKING SPACE: Space used for the temporary, transient storage of vehicles used for personal transportation. Parking shall not include storage for any other purpose other than specified above.
PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED: An environment designed to make movement by pedestrians convenient, attractive and comfortable for various ages and abilities; considerations include separation of pedestrian and auto circulation, street furniture, clear directional and informational signage, safety, visibility, shade, lighting, surface materials, trees, sidewalk width, intersection treatment, curb cuts, ramps and landscaping.
PERFORMING ARTS CENTER: A facility housing the elements needed to support a performing arts organization. Such facility may have functions associated either with an on-site or off-site live performance theater, but not including performing arts space within schools.
PERGOLA: A structure consisting of parallel columns supporting an open roof of girders and cross rafters.
PERI-URBAN AGRICULTURE: Local (i.e., designed for consumption primarily within the local and/or regional community) food systems, production, and management, including, but not limited to, the following:
   Growing: agricultural including orchards and facilities for small livestock that weigh less than one hundred fifty (150) pounds.
   Local food system support organizations.
   Processing: limited to plant products (allowed with CUP only).
PERI-URBAN RETREAT CENTER: A type of community center; a facility with a maximum of twenty-five (25) sleeping rooms which are not intended for use by the general traveling public and which are operated for the purpose of providing a rural setting in which temporary lodging, food service, conference, meeting and/or event facilities are included, with or without compensation.
PERSONAL SERVICE: Any enterprise conducted for pecuniary gain which primarily offers services to the general public, such as, but not limited to, shoe repair, watch repair, barbershops, beauty parlors, self-service laundromats, and similar activities.
PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY (PWSF): Facility for the provision of personal wireless services, as defined by section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, as may be subsequently amended. A PWSF is any unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of personal wireless services, usually consisting of an antenna array, transmission cables, equipment shelter and a mount.
PET BOARDING: A facility where personal pets are cared for overnight or longer, away from home. Pets are considered to be domestic small animals. Pet boarding facilities are separate from outpatient animal services.
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A project controlled by one owner, person, partnership or corporation, and characterized by a unified site design, involving varying the normal zoning requirements and restrictions so that the maximum long-range benefit can be gained and the unique features of the site preserved and enhanced.
PLANNING STAFF: The individuals employed or hired by the City to conduct the planning functions of the City.
PRINCIPAL BUILDING: A building containing the principal use upon a lot.
PRINCIPAL USE: The primary use to which the premises is devoted, and the primary purpose for which the premises exists.
PUBLIC OR SEMIPUBLIC PROJECT: A structure or development that, after completion, would be devoted to public or semipublic uses, including churches and schools.
PUBLIC SERVICE FACILITY: A public facility established for the protection and welfare of the surrounding neighborhood, including, but not limited to, a police station, fire station or ambulance center.
PUBLIC USE: A structure or use intended or used for a public purpose by a City, school district, County, State, or any other public agency or a utility. Public uses may also be referred to as institutional uses.
PUBLIC UTILITY FACILITY: A structure or facility, including towers used by a public utility. Such towers may not exceed forty eight feet (48') in height. Public utilities include, but are not limited to, gas, electric or telephone companies. Facilities for wireless communications are not included, and are specifically regulated by chapter 17.08, article B of this title.
RV: A motor home, travel trailer, truck camper or camping trailer, with or without motive power, designed for human habitation for recreational or emergency occupancy. It does not include pickup hoods, shells or canopies designed, created or modified for occupational usage. Converted school buses or van type vehicles are defined as RVs.
RECORD GRADE: The natural grade existing prior to any site preparation, grading or filling, unless a new record grade is approved at the time of subdivision approval and noted on the filed preliminary or final plat.
RECREATION FACILITY, COMMERCIAL: A recreation facility operated as a business and open to the general public for a fee. Typically uses include, but are not limited to, arcades, sport facilities, swimming pools, laser tag and paintball courses, billiards, skating rinks, driving ranges, miniature golf, water courses and motorized car tracks.
RECREATION FACILITY, INDOOR: An enclosed space that provides space and equipment for people to engage in activities for leisure. Recreational activities may boost people s health, fitness, or enjoyment. A health and fitness facility is a type of recreation facility.
RECREATION FACILITY, PUBLIC: A publicly owned and operated recreation facility.
RECREATION FACILITY, OUTDOOR: An open space with features that cater to specific outdoor activities, including but not limited to Nordic skiing, frisbee disc golf, soccer, walking, or children s play. Parks and open spaces may include outdoor recreation facilities.
RECREATION FACILITY, RESIDENTIAL: A recreation facility for use solely by the residents and guests of a particular residential development, planned unit development, or residential neighborhood, including outdoor and indoor facilities. These facilities are usually proposed or planned in association with development and located within or adjacent to such development.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Specialized nonpolluting activities with emphasis on investigation, experimentation, testing, engineering, inventing and conceptually designing prototypes and new technologies or associated light manufacturing. These technologies may include electronics, computer and data systems, medical and precision instruments, machine components, communication systems and equipment, and other technological instruments, equipment, and systems.
RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY: A dwelling designed for the habitation of elderly or disabled individuals, or individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who may or may not require some level of living assistance. This may include, but is not limited to, a nursing home, assisted living center/home, retirement home, convalescent care, geriatrics care, memory care, hospice, rest home or a group home.
RETAIL TRADE: The sale of goods to individual consumers, in small quantities and not to be placed in inventory for resale. Examples include grocery stores, clothing boutiques, and hardware stores.
RIPARIAN SETBACK: The distance measured at right angles from the mean high-water mark of a waterway, between the mean high water mark and an imaginary line parallel to the mean high water mark, defining an area between such lines within which no building or other applicable structure may be placed, and whereby any existing vegetation shall remain undisturbed.
RIVER RESTORATION PROJECT: A project that is primarily designed to improve or restore fish and wildlife habitat within the floodplain, including associated stream bank restoration and stabilization.
SCHOOLS: An institution providing academic instruction, such as:
   A. Primary schools, including kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and middle schools;
   B. Secondary schools, including high schools; and
   C. Post-secondary or tertiary schools, including universities, colleges and vocational or trade schools.
SEMIPUBLIC USE: A structure or use partially, but not entirely, open to the use of the public, such as private colleges and schools, hospitals, churches, libraries, lodges, safe houses, and learning centers. Semipublic uses may also be referred to as institutional uses.
SETBACK: The distance, measured at right angles to a given lot line, between the lot line and an imaginary line parallel to the lot line, defining an area between such lines within which no building or other applicable structure may be placed. Applicable structures are all structures requiring a building permit, except fences and decks less than thirty inches (30") from adjacent grade.
SHORT TERM OCCUPANCY: The rental of any unit or structure, or portion thereof, for a period of not more than thirty (30) days.
SIDEWALK: A pathway for nonmotorized vehicles, normally designated for pedestrians and which is usually separated from streets by curb and/or landscaping.
SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT: A detached residential building that contains independent living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation; and is the principal use located on a legally platted lot of record. Single-family dwelling units may, for example, include attached and detached garages, carports, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Tiny Homes on Wheels.
SKYLINE/SKYLINING: An outline of a structure against the background of the sky.
SKILLED CONSTRUCTION TRADE: A professional service pertaining to the installation, maintenance, and/or repair of materials and equipment for buildings. Examples include electrical work, plumbing, masonry, carpentry, and heating and air conditioning technology.
SKILLED INDUSTRIAL TRADE: A professional service pertaining to the fabrication, installation, maintenance, and/or repair of hard goods. Examples of skilled trades include welding and machinists.
SLOPE: An inclined ground surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of vertical distance to horizontal distance. Percent slope is calculated by multiplying this ratio (rise/run) by one hundred (100). See diagram.
SMALL-RESIDENTIAL UNIT: A self-contained living space with one or more rooms designed to accommodate a sitting space, bathroom and kitchenette.
SMALL SCALE WIND ENERGY SYSTEM (WES): An electric generator(s) having rated capacities of two kilowatts (2 kW) and less, that utilize wind energy to produce clean, emissions free power.
SOCIAL SERVICE: A service that promotes wellness and assists people to cope with or overcome challenges in everyday lives, such as job training and food assistance. Social services are distinct from medical services and personal services.
SOLAR ACCESS: An unobstructed exposure to sunlight and solar radiation upon land or a building.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM: Any device or structural design feature used for the collection, storage, and/or distribution of solar energy for space heating, space cooling, lighting, electric generation, or water heating.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, GROUND-MOUNTED: A solar energy system that is structurally mounted to the ground and is not roof-mounted.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, LARGE-SCALE: A solar energy system that occupies more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of surface area.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, MEDIUM-SCALE: A solar energy system that occupies more than one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) but less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of surface area.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, ROOF-MOUNTED: A solar energy system that is structurally mounted to the roof of a building or structure.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, SMALL-SCALE: A solar energy system that occupies one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) square feet of surface area or less.
SOLAR PANELS: A component of a solar energy system; a group of connected solar cells, used to convert light from the sun into usable energy.
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM: A solar energy system that converts solar energy directly into electricity, the primary components of which are solar panels, mounting devices, inverters, and wiring.
STORAGE STRUCTURE: A building where goods, products, materials, supplies, or equipment are kept or stored. A storage structure may be in the form of a shipping container or other structure. No sales or service is included.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the upper surface of a floor and the upper surface of the floor or roof next above.
STORY ABOVE GRADE: Any story having its finished floor surface entirely above record grade, or as more particularly described in the IBC and IRC.
STREAM ALTERATION: To obstruct, diminish, destroy, alter, modify, relocate or change the existing shape of the natural channel within or below the mean high water mark, including the removal of material or structures in the stream channel.
STREET: A strip of land which provides access to abutting property.
STREET, PRIVATE: A street which provides public and emergency vehicular and public pedestrian access but is not accepted for a dedication or maintenance by the City and will be owned and maintained by a private entity, owners' association or person(s).
STREET, PUBLIC: Land, property or interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to public vehicular and public pedestrian access.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having a fixed location on the ground.
STUDIO, ARTIST: Workspace within an enclosed structure for artists and artisans, including individuals practicing one of the fine arts or performing arts, or skilled in an applied art or craft. Also includes recording studios. Incidental retail sales of items produced on the premises is allowed.
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: Title 16 of this Code, and as may be subsequently amended.
SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE: Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred "substantial damage", regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either: a) any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of State or local Health, Sanitary or Safety Code specifications which have been identified by the local Code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions; or b) any alteration of a "historic structure"; provided, that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a "historic structure".
TEMPORARY STRUCTURE: Any building, modular unit or other structure that is intended for any use for a period of not more than one year, excluding construction trailers or other structures erected solely in conjunction with a construction project.
TINY HOMES ON WHEELS (THOW): An accessory structure with a footprint between one hundred (100) and four hundred (400) square feet in size that provides seasonal or year-round independent living facilities, including provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, and has been certified to meet the required building standards.
TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT: A residential project consisting of two (2) or more townhouse dwelling units, which may be constructed as one or both of the following:
   A.   Attached Townhouse Development: Multi-family building(s) containing two (2) or more townhouse dwelling units erected generally in a row, with each unit being separated from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls, subject to building and fire code requirements, and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and with party walls extending from the basement floor to the roof along the dividing townhouse sublot line. Each unit has its own access to the outside, and no unit is located over another unit in part or in whole.
   B.   Detached Townhouse Development: Buildings containing detached, single townhouse units on individual townhouse sublots, provided the separation between units and/or buildings complies with applicable building and fire code requirements and all other applicable codes and ordinances.
TOWNHOUSE OR COTTAGE SUBLOT: Refer to Section 16.01.010, Definitions, for a detailed definition.
TOWNHOUSE DWELLING UNIT: A dwelling unit that contains independent living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation; and is located in a townhouse development on a platted townhouse sublot.
TREE GUIDE: The City of Hailey Tree Selection and Planting Guide, as adopted by the City, and as may be subsequently amended.
TRELLIS: A light construction of latticework no more than eight feet (8') in height. The latticework shall be of open design.
URBAN AGRICULTURE: The production of vegetables, fruits, honey and eggs by residents for personal consumption and may include production by members of a neighborhood or by a nonprofit organization on one or more vacant lots for personal consumption.
USE: The purpose for which land or a building thereon is designed, arranged, intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.
WHOLESALE: The sale of goods to retailers or jobbers, rather than the sale of goods to individual consumers, usually in large quantities to be placed in inventory for resale to the individual consumer.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY (WCF): The structures, equipment, apparatus, or technology necessary for providing personal wireless services and information services. WCFs are subject to chapter 17.08, article B of this title. Any antenna, including mount and/or equipment support structure over thirty- five feet (35') AGL that is not a PWSF shall be considered a WCF and regulated by chapter 17.08, article B of this title.
YARD: That portion of the open area on a lot from a given lot line for a depth or width specified by the setback regulations for the district in which the lot is located. (Ord. 1343, 2024; Ord. 1336, 2023; Ord. 1325, 2023; Ord. 1323, 2023; Ord. 1320, 2023; Ord. 1318, 2023; Ord. 1306, 2022; Ord. 1245, 2019; Ord. 1231, 2018; Ord. 1221, 2017; Ord. 1220, 2017; Ord. 1208, 2016; Ord. 1207, 2016; Ord. 1191, 2015)