A. Findings Required: A special event permit may be issued after the following findings are made by the Administrator:
1. The special event will in fact qualify as a special event.
2. The special event meets all of the applicable requirements set forth in section 12.14.040 of this chapter.
3. All required fees and deposits have been paid.
4. For a Hailey Arena event, the applicant has executed a Hailey Arena rental agreement previously approved by the Hailey City Council.
B. Approval Or Denial; Conditions: Following an evaluation of the above requirements and standards, the application may be approved, conditionally approved or denied. Conditions may be imposed that are deemed to be reasonably related to the above standards and that will promote the public health, safety and general welfare. The minimum conditions shall include:
1. Any amplified sound shall not exceed ninety (90) dB measured at the property line at any time during the event and that any amplified sound shall be limited between ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. for events described in subsection 9.04.030A1 of this Code; or
2. Any amplified sound shall not exceed ninety (90) dB measured at the property line at any time during the event and that any amplified sound shall be limited between ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. for events described in subsection 9.04.030A2 of this Code; or
3. Any amplified sound shall not exceed a reasonable decibel level measured at the property line at any time during the event and that any amplified sound shall be limited to times deemed appropriate and commensurate for events described in subsection 9.04.030A3 of this Code; provided, however, the City Council or Administrator, as the case may be, is authorized to impose more restrictive conditions. (Ord. 1194, 2016; Ord. 1144, 2014; Ord. 1082 § 1, 2011)