   (A)   Whenever it is brought to the attention of the City Council that a nuisance exists and the City Council deems that there is an immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare, the City Council may by majority vote suspend the license of any person conducting business upon the premises where the nuisance exists.
   (B)   The City Clerk/Treasurer shall cause notice of the suspension to be served personally upon the licensee or at the premises where the nuisance exists.
   (C)   Upon application of the licensee, the City Council may remove the suspension upon such terms as it may direct.
(2002 Code, § 92.17) (Ord. 1995-C-5, passed 5-1-1995)
   Nothing contained in § 10.99 shall prohibit the city from pursuing any other remedy available, including, without limitation, applying for injunctive relief or correcting the violation itself, after notice, as provided in this chapter or any other law.
(2002 Code, § 92.18) (Ord. 1995-C-5, passed 5-1-1995)
§ 92.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Each day’s continued violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(2002 Code, § 92.99) (Ord. 1995-C-5, passed 5-1-1995)