(A)   Enforcement officer. The position of “enforcement officer” is created for the purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter. By municipal order, the Mayor, with City Council approval, shall appoint one or more officers or employees of the city to serve as the city’s enforcement officer. The enforcement officer shall report directly to the Mayor.
   (B)   Authority. Authorized agents and officers of the city, including without limitation, an enforcement officer, shall have the following authority:
      (1)   To enter upon property for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of this chapter;
      (2)   To apply for and obtain a search warrant, if necessary;
      (3)   To declare property, structures and conditions on property to constitute a nuisance;
      (4)   To issue notices of violation;
      (5)   To monitor property for compliance with a notice of violation;
      (6)   To file criminal complaints against owners and responsible persons who violate this chapter;
      (7)   To recommend civil penalties for non-compliance with this chapter;
      (8)   To enter upon the property and to cause others to enter on the property for the purpose of correcting a violation;
      (9)   To file a notice of lien against the property;
      (10)   To cause the lien to be enforced; and
      (11)   To do all other things and take all other actions reasonably necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of, and to enforce, this chapter.
   (C)   Interference with enforcement agents prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, harass, or otherwise impede an authorized agent or officer of the city when such agent or officer is inspecting property, investigating possible violations, or otherwise enforcing this chapter.
(2002 Code, § 92.16) (Ord. 1995-C-5, passed 5-1-1995) Penalty, see § 92.99
Statutory reference:
   Defining Code Enforcement Officer, see KRS 65.8805(4)
   Establishment of reasonable abatement procedures by local government ordinance for enforcement, see KRS 65.8840(7)