Sewer Service
50.001 Definitions
50.002 Applicability
50.003 Application for service
50.004 Charges, rates, and payments
Department and Consumer Responsibilities
50.015 Town responsibilities and liabilities
50.016 Consumer responsibility
50.017 Interference
50.018 Private sewage systems
50.019 “Unit of service” defined; determination of units
50.020 Tampering with equipment prohibited
50.021 Permit required
50.022 Application for taps
50.023 Application
50.024 Inspection and approval by town
50.025 Records to be kept of building connections
Domestic Water
50.026 Domestic water
50.027 Town not liable for damages
50.028 Maintenance of meters and connections
50.029 Service line replacement
Use of Public Sewers
50.040 Prohibited substances
50.041 Septic tank and scavenger waste haulers
50.042 Interceptors required
50.043 Wastes subject to approval; pretreatment interceptors
50.044 Preliminary treatment
50.055 Billing and collection
50.056 Termination of service
50.057 Annual notification to users
User Charge System
50.070 Definitions
50.071 Enforcement; penalties
50.072 Sewer charges
50.073 General requirements
50.074 Specific requirements
50.075 Confidentiality of information
50.076 Stricter provisions to prevail
50.077 Accidental discharges
50.078 Pretreatment requirements
Sewer Connection Fees
50.090 Purpose
50.091 Definitions
50.092 Fee schedule; collection; exemptions; disposition
50.999 Penalty