A manufactured home park or subdivision may be a special use in the agricultural (A) district, subject to the following requirements:
   A.   Exceptions:
      1.   Farm Exception: A farm owner may apply for a special agricultural exemption permit to allow manufactured homes to be used by seasonal farm help on that site. To qualify for the mobile home exemption, the farm must contain forty (40) acres for each mobile home; however, no more than two (2) mobile homes shall be permitted on any one tract.
      2.   Construction: A landowner may apply for a temporary permit to allow a manufactured home to be a temporary office or storage unit on the site during the construction of a permanent residential dwelling unit. This period of manufactured home use is not to exceed twenty four (24) months.
   B.   Manufactured Home Park Bulk And Yard Standards: Every manufactured home park shall comply with the following requirements, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County codes and ordinances:
      1.   Lot Area: Manufactured home parks shall be a minimum of ten (10) acres and a maximum of twenty (20) acres in lot area.
      2.   Lot Width: Manufactured home parks shall have a minimum lot width of six hundred sixty feet (660'), and shall maintain a minimum lot width of six hundred sixty feet (660') throughout the entire depth of the park. All manufactured home parks shall front on a county road, state or federal highway.
      3.   Yards: Figure 8-2-5-17, "Manufactured Home Park Yards", of this section, illustrates the different configurations for required manufactured home park yards. Manufactured home park yard requirements are as follows:
         a.   Front yard: Eighty feet (80').
         b.   Side yard adjoining a street: Eighty feet (80').
         c.   Interior side yard: Forty feet (40').
         d.   Rear yard: Forty feet (40').
FIGURE 8-2-5-17
      4.   Yard Landscaping: All required yards must be landscaped in accordance with section 8-9-1, "General Requirements", of this title. No encroachments are permitted in any manufactured home park yard, and no part of any manufactured home site may be located within required yards.
      5.   Open Space: A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of a manufactured home park's total area shall be maintained as community open space and recreational areas for park residents.
         a.   Permitted types of community open space and recreational areas include, but are not limited to:
            (1)   Swimming pools.
            (2)   Tennis courts.
            (3)   Recreational open space accessory buildings.
            (4)   Jogging trails and fitness courses.
            (5)   Playgrounds.
            (6)   Natural water features, wetlands and conservation areas.
            (7)   Detention areas which are accessible to occupants or the public via nature trails, boardwalks, and/or perimeter walkways, but only if they are designed as wetlands or natural water features and are landscaped with native vegetation.
         b.   The following are not considered part of community open space and cannot be used to fulfill the twenty percent (20%) requirement:
            (1)   Required manufactured home park yards and manufactured home site yards.
            (2)   Interior streets, sidewalks or other public rights of way.
            (3)   Driveways, parking lots, and loading and storage areas.
      6.   Number Of Manufactured Home Sites: Each manufactured home park shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) manufactured home sites.
      7.   Separation Requirement: No manufactured home park shall be located within ten (10) miles of another manufactured home park. The distance between any two (2) manufactured home parks shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the property lines of each manufactured home park.
   C.   Manufactured Home Site Bulk And Yard Standards: Every manufactured home site within a manufactured home park shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   Site Area: Each manufactured home site shall comply with the site area requirements shown in table 8-2-5-17, "Site Area And Site Width Dimensions For Manufactured Home Sites", of this section.
      2.   Site Width: Each manufactured home site shall comply with the site width requirements shown in table 8-2-5-17, "Site Area And Site Width Dimensions For Manufactured Home Sites", of this section.
TABLE 8-2-5-17
Minimum Site Area
(Square Feet)
Minimum Site
Width (Feet)
Single manufactured home site
Doublewide manufactured home site
Triplewide manufactured home site
      3.   Height And Roof Form:
         a.   No manufactured home unit shall exceed a height of twenty feet (20'), as measured to the peak of the roof. No other principal structures within a manufactured home park shall exceed twenty five feet (25') in height, as measured to the peak of the roof. Structures accessory to individual manufactured home units, shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height, as measured to the peak of the roof.
         b.   Each manufactured home unit shall utilize roofing materials consisting of asphalt shingles (or an equivalent material of comparable quality), similar in color, material and appearance to the roofing used on other single-family dwellings in the vicinity. The roof design of all manufactured home units shall utilize a full height roof element with a minimum pitch of three to twelve (3:12) (commonly referred to as a 3/12 pitched roof).
      4.   Yards: All manufactured home sites shall have the following minimum front, side and rear yards:
         a.   Front yard: Twenty feet (20').
         b.   Side yard adjoining a street: Seven and one-half feet (71/2').
         c.   Interior side yard: Seven and one-half feet (71/2').
         d.   Rear yard: Twenty feet (20').
FIGURE 8-2-5-17B
      5.   Location: All manufactured home sites shall front on a street, interior to the manufactured home park, improved to the standards set forth in subsection I1, "Interior Streets", of this section.
      6.   Use Of Sites: No more than one manufactured home unit shall occupy any designated and staked manufactured home site. Mobile homes are not permitted to occupy any manufactured home site, except that existing mobile homes found in preexisting manufactured home parks, are permitted as legal nonconforming uses.
      7.   Designation Of Manufactured Home Sites: The corners of each manufactured home site shall be clearly marked on the ground by permanent flush stakes, markers or similar means approved by the zoning officer or designee.
   D.   Manufactured Home Site Installation Standards:
      1.   Pads: Each manufactured home site shall have two (2) concrete pads for a manufactured home unit to be set upon. Each pad shall be at least two feet (2') in width. The distance between the centerlines of each pad shall be at least four and one-half feet (41/2').
      2.   Skirting: All manufactured home units shall be skirted with a rigid material. Such skirting must be in place within thirty (30) days after the manufactured home unit is installed on the manufactured home site. Skirting shall be ventilated in order to ensure proper airflow under the home. Skirting material shall be weatherproof and fire resistant. Skirting shall be provided with doors to permit access to sewer, water and gas connections.
      3.   Walkways: A concrete walkway shall be provided from the doorway of each manufactured home unit to the required driveway and shall be at least four feet (4') in width.
      4.   Electricity: Electrical service delivering one hundred (100) ampere service of not less than one hundred ten (110) volts shall be required for each individual manufactured home site. The installation shall comply with all state and local electrical codes and ordinances.
   E.   Accessory Buildings, Structures, And Uses:
      1.   Accessory structures are prohibited within the required front or side yards of any manufactured home site.
      2.   Accessory buildings, such as storage sheds, shall not exceed a total of one hundred fifty (150) square feet. Accessory buildings are permitted to encroach into the required rear yard, provided they are located no closer than ten feet (10') from any manufactured home site boundary line within the rear yard.
      3.   Detached garages shall not exceed a total of four hundred eighty four (484) square feet. Garages are permitted to encroach into the required rear yard, provided they are located no closer than ten feet (10') from any manufactured home site boundary line within the rear yard.
      4.   Carports shall be used only for parking no more than two (2) vehicles and not for any other purpose, including storage. Carports shall have a minimum height of seven feet (7') and a maximum width of twenty feet (20').
      5.   Porches and decks may encroach into the required rear yard, provided they are located no closer than ten feet (10') from any manufactured home site boundary line within the rear yard.
      6.   Accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height, as measured to the peak of the roof. However, in no case shall a carport be higher than the lowest part of the roof of the manufactured home unit, as installed, to which the carport is accessory.
      7.   Any home occupations conducted within accessory buildings and structures, or within the manufactured home, shall comply with the regulations of section 8-2-3-5, "Home Occupation", of this chapter.
   F.   Landscaping Requirements:
      1.   Landscaping The Required Yards Of Manufactured Home Parks: Landscaping of the required yards of manufactured home parks, as illustrated in figure 8-2-5-17C, "Manufactured Home Park Required Yard Landscaping", of this section, shall meet the following standards:
         a.   In every required yard, there shall be a minimum of one tree for every three hundred (300) square feet. One-third (1/3) of all trees shall be evergreens a minimum of six feet (6') in height at planting, one-third (1/3) of all trees shall be shade trees a minimum of two inches (2") in caliper at planting, and one-third (1/3) of all trees shall be ornamental trees a minimum of two inches (2") in caliper at planting.
         b.   Shrubs shall be planted at a rate of one shrub for every three (3) linear feet.
         c.   To achieve effective screening, landscape materials shall be planted in a naturalistic and staggered fashion.
         d.   Areas not planted with trees shall be maintained as turf or other ground cover.
         e.   A berm, with a maximum slope of four feet (4') in length to each one foot (1') in height (also referred to as 4:1 proportion), shall be provided in the required yards and shall be fully landscaped in accordance with subsections F1a through F1d of this section. Berms shall have a rounded top surface that is a minimum of five feet (5') in width.
            (1)   Required front and corner side yards: Eight foot (8') berm.
            (2)   Required rear and interior side yards: Three foot (3') berm. Required berming is illustrated in figure 8-2-5-17D, "Required Berming", of this section.
         f.   In rear and interior side yards, a six foot (6') solid fence is required. Such fence shall be located a minimum of five feet (5') from the property line.
FIGURE 8-2-5-17C
FIGURE 8-2-5-17D
      2.   Landscape Plan: A landscape plan shall be submitted as part of a manufactured home park development application, as required in subsection J, "Manufactured Home Park Development Application", of this section.
      3.   Maintenance Of Landscaping: Any diseased, dead or damaged plants within the required manufactured home park yards or common open space areas must be removed and replaced as indicated in section 8-9-10, "Installation, Maintenance, And Replacement", of this title.
   G.   Off Street Parking And Driveways:
      1.   Required Parking: Each manufactured home site shall provide two (2) off street parking spaces within the site.
      2.   Visitor Parking Lots:
         a.   A visitor parking lot shall be located within no more than three hundred feet (300') of each manufactured home site within the manufactured home park.
         b.   The total number of visitor parking spaces provided within the park shall be equal to three-tenths (3/10) parking space per manufactured home site.
         c.   The perimeter of visitor parking lots shall be screened with compact hedging or decorative masonry, or a combination of these, to a maximum height of two and one-half feet (21/2').
      3.   Driveways: Driveways shall not be considered interior streets, as described in subsection I1, "Interior Streets", of this section, and as illustrated in figure 8-2-5-17E, "Driveways And Interior Streets", of this section. Manufactured home site driveways shall comply with the following:
         a.   The maximum width of manufactured home site driveways shall be twenty feet (20').
         b.   Driveways shall not be located within the required side yards. Driveways shall be separated a minimum of three feet (3') from the manufactured home unit, as measured from the edge of the driveway.
         c.   All driveways and off street parking areas shall be paved, and graded to drain rapidly and be free of standing water.
FIGURE 8-2-5-17E
   H.   Signs:
      1.   Manufactured Home Park Sign: Manufactured home parks shall be limited to one freestanding monument identification sign. Such sign shall not exceed four feet (4') in height and thirty two (32) square feet in sign area, and shall be located at least twenty feet (20') from any manufactured home site. Only uplighting, where light is directed from the ground onto the sign face, is permitted to illuminate the sign.
      2.   Site Identification Numbers: A manufactured home park shall maintain signs on each manufactured home site that identify the site number. Site numbers shall be four inches (4") in height and shall remain readily identifiable while the site is in use. No site identification sign may exceed five inches (5") in height and ten inches (10") in width.
   I.   Public Improvements:
      1.   Interior Streets:
         a.   Interior streets within a manufactured home park shall be designed in accordance with chapter 6, "Subdivisions And Land Development", and section 8-6-3-4, "Streets, Roadways, And Paths", of this title, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County codes and ordinances. The interior streets of the manufactured home park shall be considered (general) high intensity "residential subcollectors" for the purposes of said section 8-6-3-4, "Streets, Roadways, And Paths", of this title. Curbing is required on all interior streets. Shoulders and drainage swales are not permitted.
         b.   All interior streets shall be properly lit, in accordance with the requirements of subsection 8-6-3-4P, "Street Lighting", of this title, except that the maximum height of light poles, as measured from grade at the base to the bottom of the luminaire, shall not exceed twenty feet (20').
         c.   Interior streets shall be serviced and maintained by the owners of the manufactured home park. No officer, agent or employee of the county shall, at any time, service or maintain, or offer or agree to service or maintain, any interior road or any part thereof.
         d.   In section 8-17-1-2 of this title, the residential subcollector category, contains subcategories for roads with one sided, two (2) sided and off street parking. There are also standards for an unnamed, i.e., general - high intensity residential subcollector. This "general" category applies to the interior streets of manufactured home parks.
      2.   Stormwater Management: Stormwater drainage and detention system shall be provided in accordance with section 8-4-5 of this title, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County codes and ordinances.
      3.   Sewer System: Sewage disposal shall be provided in accordance with section 8-6-3-6, "Sewage Collection And Disposal", of this title, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County codes and ordinances. Septic tanks and oxidation lagoons shall not be permitted within manufactured home parks. In addition, each sewer connection to a manufactured home site that is unoccupied shall be closed until the site is occupied.
      4.   Water Supply: A water supply system shall be provided in accordance with section 8-6-3-7, "Water Systems", of this title, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County codes and ordinances.
      5.   Public Utilities: Public utilities shall be provided in accordance with sections 8-6-3-8, "Public Utilities", and 8-6-3-9, "Easements", of this title, in addition to all other applicable Grundy County Codes and ordinances. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)
   J.   Manufactured Home Park Development Application:
      1.   Required: Prior to the construction, expansion and/or alteration of any new or existing manufactured home park, the manufactured home park developer shall make application to, and receive approval from, the Grundy County Board in accordance with the requirements and procedures of this subsection.
      2.   Procedure:
         a.   Preapplication Conference: Prior to submittal of an application to develop a manufactured home park, the developer shall meet with the Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss the scope and nature of the proposed development. At the preapplication conference, the applicant shall provide information as to the location of the proposed manufactured home park development, the proposed public improvements, a list of any anticipated exceptions to County ordinances, and any other information necessary to clearly explain the manufactured home park development. The purpose of such preapplication conference is to make advice and assistance available to the applicant before preparation of the application.
         b.   Application Submittal: Following the preapplication conference, the application to develop a manufactured home park shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer. The application shall be in accordance with the requirements of subsection J3, "Application Requirements", of this section. The Zoning Officer shall forward copies of the application to the Zoning Board of Appeals for their report and recommendation, as well as other applicable administrative officials.
         c.   Zoning Board Of Appeals Recommendation: In making its recommendation, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be guided by, and give consideration to, the following:
            (1)   The proposed development is in conformance with the Grundy County comprehensive plan, this title and the requirements of the MHP District.
            (2)   The proposed development will have a character of sustained desirability and stability.
            (3)   The proposed development will be in harmony with its surroundings.
            (4)   The proposed development will not cause undue congestion on local streets or thoroughfares. The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend approval or denial of the application, including any special uses. If the Zoning Board of Appeals shall fail to act within sixty (60) working days after receipt of the application, the application shall be deemed to be recommended for approval.
         d.   Zoning Board Of Appeals Recommendation: The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend to the County Board approval, approval with conditions or denial of any special uses that are part of the application including, but not limited to, approval of accessory structures and uses, and community sewer and water systems, as set forth in chapter 15, "Enforcement, Interpretation, And Severability", of this title.
         e.   Approval By County Board: Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Grundy County Board may approve, approve with conditions or deny approval of the development, including any special use permits. (Ord. 2018-012, 6-12-2018)
      3.   Application Requirements: In order to develop a manufactured home park, the applicant shall file with the Land Use Department an application that includes the following:
         a.   The full name and address of the applicant or applicants, or the names and addresses of the partners if the applicant is a partnership or the names and addresses of the officers if the applicant is a corporation.
         b.   The address, location and legal description of the tract of land upon which it is proposed to construct a manufactured home park.
         c.   The name of the proposed manufactured home park.
         d.   The proposed number of manufactured home sites.
         e.   A site plan of the proposed manufactured home park, which must include the following:
            (1)   All manufactured home sites shall be clearly delineated, and each shall include site dimensions and square footage, and building envelope information. Building elevations for existing and proposed buildings and facilities, or any alterations to existing buildings and facilities, must be shown.
            (2)   The location of all required visitor parking lots.
            (3)   All streets, sidewalks and driveways.
            (4)   All signage for the manufactured home park, including manufactured home site numbering, street signs and directional signage.
            (5)   All public improvements and amenities, including community facilities and required open space.
            (6)   North arrow, drawing scale, signature and seal of an Illinois registered engineer or architect, and date of preparation.
         f.   A landscape plan shall be submitted with each application, and is subject to approval by the land use department. A landscape plan must include the following:
            (1)   The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common, of all existing plant material on the lot, and indicating which plant material will be retained and which will be removed. The landscape plan should include provisions to preserve existing trees in accordance with section 8-9-11, "Preservation Of Trees And Other Vegetation", of this title.
            (2)   The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common, of all proposed plant material including, but not limited to, shade and evergreen trees, shrubs, ground cover and turf, drawn at a size equal to three-fourths (3/4) maturity.
            (3)   The existing and proposed grading of the site indicating contours at one foot (1') intervals. Proposed berming shall be indicated using one foot (1') contour intervals.
            (4)   Elevation drawings indicating the materials used for all proposed fences.
            (5)   Installation and maintenance specifications as required by the land use department.
            (6)   North arrow, drawing scale, signature and seal of an Illinois registered landscape architect, and date of preparation.
            (7)   In the event that it can be demonstrated that existing vegetation meets the intent of the landscaping requirements of this section, it may be credited toward the required landscape materials, as determined by the land use department.
         g.   A traffic impact analysis is required if the proposed manufactured home park has fifty (50) or more manufactured home sites or, if additional sites are proposed to be added to an existing park, when the total number of manufactured home sites meets or exceeds fifty (50) sites. Such traffic impact analysis shall be conducted by an Illinois registered engineer and shall include the following:
            (1)   A description of the development site, proposed land use and intensity, and the area of influence of site traffic.
            (2)   Existing conditions of perimeter streets and intersections, including traffic counts and capacity and level of service analysis.
            (3)   Analysis of future conditions in trip generation at peak periods and for twenty four (24) hours.
            (4)   Proposed driveway locations, geometries, sight distances and turn restrictions.
            (5)   Impact on adjoining street network.
      4.   Alterations: Any alterations to existing manufactured home parks, excluding normal maintenance, shall require a new application.
      5.   Appeal: Any person denied approval of his/her manufactured home park development shall have the right to appeal such decision before the circuit court of the 13th judicial court, Grundy County, Illinois.
      6.   Records: When an application for a manufactured home park development has been approved, land use department shall retain the original and keep a file thereof. One copy shall be returned to the applicant, or his/her agent, and one copy shall be delivered to county clerk.
   K.   Manufactured Home Park License Requirements:
      1.   General Requirements:
         a.   No person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, conduct or operate a manufactured home park without first obtaining a license from the land use department.
         b.   A license to operate a manufactured home park shall be issued for one year and shall expire at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight on April 30 of each year. The license may be renewed from year to year upon payment of an annual license fee in accordance with subsection K1c of this section. Licenses issued hereunder apply only to the premises described in the application and in the license. Only one location may be described in the license. A license which has been issued for a particular premises may not be moved to any other premises.
         c.   In addition to the application fees, the licensee shall pay to the land use department, on or before April 30 of each year, a nonrefundable annual license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus three dollars ($3.00) for each manufactured home site in the park. The land use department shall deposit all funds received with the county treasurer.
         d.   All licenses to operate a manufactured home park shall be prominently displayed in the manufactured home park office.
      2.   Revocation Of License: Any license granted hereunder shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the land use department. The zoning officer shall first serve, or cause to be served, upon the licensee, a written notice which shall specify the way or ways in which such licensee has failed to comply with this title. Said notice shall require the licensee to remove or abate such nuisance, unsanitary or objectionable condition, specified in such notice, within five (5) days, unless a longer period of time is allowed by the zoning officer. If the licensee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of said notice, the land use department may revoke or suspend such license.
      3.   Records: When a license to operate and maintain a manufactured home park has been approved, the land use department shall retain the original and keep a file thereof. One copy shall be returned to the applicant, or his/her agent, and one copy shall be delivered to county clerk.
      4.   Management Responsibilities: The following manufactured home park management provisions are applicable to all manufactured home parks licensed within Grundy County:
         a.   Every park shall be managed by a responsible party on duty twenty four (24) hours per day and seven (7) days per week whose name, address and telephone number shall be on file at all times with the land use department and Grundy County sheriff. The duties of this responsible party shall be to maintain the park, and its facilities and equipment, in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition, and shall be responsible, in addition to the licensee, for any violation of this title.
         b.   Each manufactured home park shall have a manager's office where each manufactured home shall be assigned its manufactured home site, issued a copy of the manufactured home park's rules and registered. A register shall be maintained by the manager and shall include:
            (1)   The name and address of the owner of each manufactured home unit.
            (2)   The name and address of each occupant of such unit.
            (3)   The license number and state of issuance, for such unit.
            (4)   The date of entry of such unit into the park. The register shall be signed by the owner or occupant of the manufactured home.
         c.   Any person furnishing misinformation for purposes of registration shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Registration records shall be kept for seven (7) years after the manufactured home unit has left the manufactured home park. The register shall be available for inspection upon request by all law enforcement officers.
         d.   The land use department shall keep a record of all manufactured home parks. These records shall show the names and addresses of all manufactured home parks, names and addresses of the manufactured home park licensees, number of manufactured home sites in each park, source of water supply, system of sewage and garbage disposal, and any other information desired by the land use department.
      5.   Required School District Registration: The following provisions are applicable to all manufactured home parks licensed within Grundy County:
         a.   It shall be the duty of each licensee to file with the school board(s) of the school district(s) where the manufactured home park is located, within the first five (5) business days of February and of September of each year, a report that contains the names and ages of all school age children who reside in the manufactured home park.
         b.   The governing body of the school district in which such manufactured home park is located, by and through its officers, attendance officers and proper employees, may visit and inspect a manufactured home park for the purpose of enforcing the attendance of school children who reside in the park. When a manufactured home park is located in more than one school district, the school boards of the school districts, acting jointly, are authorized to visit and inspect a manufactured home park for the purpose of enforcing the attendance of school children who reside in the park.
   L.   Nonconforming Manufactured Home Parks:
      1.   Manufactured home parks established prior to the effective date of the MHP district shall be considered legal nonconforming manufactured home parks and shall continue to be governed by all standards in effect at the time they were approved.
      2.   The replacement of manufactured homes in legal nonconforming manufactured home parks shall be governed by the standards in effect when the manufactured home parks were approved. However, no manufactured home or mobile home shall be replaced by a "mobile home", as defined in this title.
      3.   Expansion of a legal nonconforming manufactured home park shall only be allowed when such expansion also includes substantial improvements in the existing manufactured home park to such a degree that the existing park, including the expanded area, complies with the provisions of the MHP district. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)