8-6-3-9: EASEMENTS:
   A.   Utility And Drainage Easements:
      1.   Easements for utility and drainage purposes shall be provided along the rear and side lot lines of all lots within a subdivision and along the rear and side property lines of individual development sites, except where the county's review engineer determines such easements are unnecessary. Easements containing or intended to contain sewer, water main, electric, natural gas, or telephone utilities shall be not less than twenty feet (20') wide. Easements for overland drainage only shall be not less than ten feet (10') wide. Such easements shall be centered on the lot or property lines except where site conditions warrant offsetting the easement.
      2.   Utility and drainage easements shall be provided along front and side lot and property lines adjacent to street rights of way where required.
      3.   Utility easements shall be in substantial conformance to the requirements of the utility companies that service the area. The developer shall furnish evidence that easement layouts and provisions have been reviewed by all of the individual companies or organizations responsible for furnishing the services involved. Conflicts shall be resolved prior to county approval of the final subdivision plat or development plan.
      4.   Where a property or subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, or other body of water, appropriate easements shall be provided to accommodate observed, computed, or anticipated stormwater drainage through and from the site. The width or extent of the easement shall conform substantially with the base flood elevation or estimated high water level of the watercourse and shall allow access for construction and maintenance equipment.
      5.   Storm detention basins and other types of flood control facilities shall be provided with permanent easements reserving the use of such areas for drainage and flood control purposes. The limits of these easements shall extend sufficiently beyond the planned high water level to allow access for construction and maintenance equipment. Where such facilities are not adjacent to public rights of way, additional easements, not less than twenty feet (20') wide, shall be provided allowing personnel, vehicle, and equipment access from the public right of way to perform construction or maintenance work on the facilities.
   B.   Sidewalk And Bike Path Easements: Easements for sidewalks or bike paths shall be provided along street rights of way or along lot or property lines in accordance with the approved development plan. Such easements shall be not less than ten feet (10') wide when located adjacent to a street right of way and not less than twenty feet (20') wide when located elsewhere.
   C.   Construction Vehicle Turnaround Easements: Temporary vehicle turnaround easements shall be provided at the ends of streets planned to be extended in the future. The dimensions of such easements shall be as necessary to accommodate a circular or "T" shaped turnaround, as required by the county's review engineer. Upon completion of the future public street extension, the temporary turnaround easement shall be considered automatically vacated for such use.
   D.   Clear Sight Distance Easements: Easements to provide clear sight distance shall be provided at street intersections. Such easements shall be in accordance with subsection 8-6-3-4J, "Sight Distance", of this chapter.
   E.   No Access Strip Easements: Easements defined as no access strip easements shall be provided along lot and property lines abutting streets, upon which no vehicle driveway will be allowed. Such easements shall be at least fifteen feet (15') wide.
   F.   Screen Planting Easements: Where landscape buffers or screens are required in accordance with this chapter, screen planting easements may be required by the county to ensure the permanent use of such areas for landscape buffer/screen purposes.
   G.   Alterations Or Damages To Easements: In the event that areas or facilities within designated easements are altered, damaged, or destroyed so as to impede or prevent the uses for which they were intended or change the conditions or requirements shown on the development site improvement plans, the county will have cause to have such alterations or damages corrected at the expense of the party or parties causing such alterations or damages. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)