(a) All trees having a trunk diameter of six inches or greater as measured twenty-four inches from ground level (one hundred percent (100%) ground area must be maintained within the drip line) shall be preserved with fencing prior to construction and/or destruction. Signage shall be secured to the fencing every twenty feet (20'), shall be a minimum size of eight and one half inches (8-1/2") by eleven inches (11") and shall include readable text stating “Preservation area, no construction or encroachment permitted under Section 1136, city of Grove City”. A site inspection shall be performed by the Service Director or his designee, prior to any construction and/or destruction, to evaluate existing trees and those scheduled for removal. A development plan and/or construction plan shall be provided to the Service Director, His designee or the Urban Forester propr to the said site inspection. All actual locations of all rights of way, easements, proposed structures, driveway access, parking and/or service areas shall be plainly marked with staking prior to said site inspection. All trees scheduled for removal shall be marked by the Service Director, his designee or the Urban Forester with the following exceptions:
(1) Trees within public rights of way or utility easements, or a temporary construction easement as approved by the Service Director.
(2) Trees within the ground coverage of proposed structures or within fifteen feet from the perimeter of such structures.
(3) Trees within the driveway access to parking or service areas or proposed driveway to service a single-family home.
(4) Trees within proposed parking lots. Efforts shall be taken to locate and protect said trees in planting areas and islands.
(5) Trees that, in the judgment of the Service Director, his designee or the Urban Forester, are damaged, diseased, over-mature, which interfere with utility lines or are an inappropriate or undesirable species for that specific location.
It is encouraged that exempted trees subject to destruction be preserved by relocation and replanting of such trees on a lot or that new trees (two inch caliper - deciduous; six foot high - evergreen) of the same species, or of a species approved by the Service Director, his designee or the Urban Forester, be planted on a lot or approved location in lieu of such trees.
(Ord. C17-99. Passed 7-6-99.)
(b) Preservation of Wooded Areas. It is encouraged that efforts be made to preserve natural vegetation areas. Consideration shall be given to laying out streets, lots, structures and parking areas to avoid the unnecessary destruction of heavily wooded areas or outstanding tree specimens. It is further encouraged that whenever possible, heavily wooded areas be designated as park reserves. As part of the site inspection, all designated reserves which contain trees shall be temporarily marked and protected from construction and traffic damage with fencing and signage until all construction and/or destruction in the immediate area is complete. Signage shall be secured to the fencing every twenty feet (20'), shall be a minimum size of eight and one half inches (8-1/2") by eleven inches (11") and shall include readable text stating “Preservation area, no construction or encroachment permitted under Section 1136, City of Grove City”.
(Ord. C58-97. Passed 11-17-97.)
(c) All preliminary and/or final development plans, when submitted, shall show existing individual trees of six inches diameter at breast height (DBH) or larger with all proposed streets, lots, structures, utilities, and parking areas. Prior to the removal of any trees, a site inspection by the Service Director, his designee or the Urban Forester, shall be performed. This inspection shall mark those trees permitted for removal, the delineation of areas to be preserved and any other construction restrictions. The removal of any trees and/or shrubs is prohibited until said site inspection is completed.
(Ord. C58-97. Passed 11-17-97.)
(d) Prior to the issuance of a “new” building permit, a site inspection, marking of trees permitted for removal and any other construction restrictions, shall be performed by the Service Director his designee or the Urban Forester, in cooperation with the builder. The removal of any trees and/or shrubs is prohibited until said site inspection is completed.
(Ord. C21-97. Passed 4-21-97; Ord. C58-97. Passed 11-17-97.)
(e) Credit for Preserving Existing Woods. In perimeter and interior use areas where Council has determined that the strict application of this section would require the removal of trees to plant the required landscaping, such required landscaping may be omitted. Preserved woods deemed eligible for credit shall be healthy and of such quality as is acceptable to the Service Director, his designee, or the Urban Forester. In order to maintain the trees within the woods, one hundred percent (100%) of the ground area under and within the drip line of the trees shall be protected from construction damage with fencing and signage, undisturbed (except for removal of trash) and preserved in it's natural state. Signage shall be secured to the fencing every twenty feet (20'), shall be a minimum size of eight and one half inches (8'1/2") by eleven inches (11") and shall include readable test stating “Preservation area, no construction or encroachment permitted under Section 1136, City of Grove City”.
(Ord. C58-97. Passed 11-17-97.)