This chapter shall be enforced by, and violators subject to, any one, all or a combination of the following:
   (A)   Infraction. Any act constituting a violation of this chapter or failure to comply with any of its requirements shall constitute an infraction under the provisions of Chapter 20 and/or Chapter 14 of the North Carolina General Statues unless such violation is also a violation of the "rules of the road" applicable to motor vehicles under the North Carolina General Statues in which case the greatest penalty will apply.
   (B)   Civil penalties. Any act constituting a violation of this chapter shall subject the offender to a civil penalty of $50 plus any attorney fees, court costs, or other collection expenses incurred by the town. If the offender fails to pay the penalty within 30 days of receiving written notice of the violation, the amount owed may be recovered by the town in a civil action in the nature of debt. In addition, failure to pay a civil penalty shall constitute grounds for revocation of golf cart registration.
   (C)   Registration revocation. Three violations of this chapter within any 12-month period shall constitute cause for revocation of a golf cart registration for a period of one year.
   (D)   Continuing violations. Each day that any of the provisions of this chapter is violated shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2019-2020:002, passed 2-11-2020)