It is the policy of the City to prevent construction of two houses with substantially identical exterior appearance within sight of each other. To implement this policy, the Planning Commission and/or City Council shall establish reasonable standards to evaluate the exterior appearance of proposed houses. All building plans for new residential buildings must be reviewed by the Planning Department. Where more than one dwelling unit is being constructed as part of a new subdivision in which the units proposed will have similar floor plans and exterior elevations, each building shall be reviewed by the appropriate City department. Unusual or controversial building proposals shall be referred to the Planning Commission for review. Conventional single-family or duplex buildings proposed to be constructed on individual existing lots may be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department and be consistent with the Infill Design Guidelines. To ensure compliance with this section, no building permit may be issued without a clearance from the Planning Department that the proposed building plan has been reviewed and approved in accordance with this section and Title 17.
(Ord. 824-2016 § 8 (part), 2017)