All lots and blocks and all parcels offered for dedication for any purpose shall be particularly delineated and designated with all dimensions, boundaries, and courses clearly shown and defined in every case; except in the case of a parcel map, the location of any remainder of the original parcel shall be shown, but need not be shown as a matter of survey but only by deed reference to the existing record boundaries of such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of five (5) or more acres. Parcels offered for dedication other than for streets and easements shall be designated by letter. Sufficient linear, angular and curve data shall be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of the boundary lines of every block, lot and parcel which is a part thereof. Sheets shall be so arranged that no lot is split between two or more sheets and whenever practical, blocks in their entirety shall be shown on one sheet. No ditto marks shall be used for lot dimensions. Lot numbers shall begin with the numeral "1" and continue consecutively throughout the tract, with no omissions or duplications.
(Ord. 824-2016 § 7 (part), 2017)