16.16.070 Design information required.
   The subdivider shall provide complete design information with the Vesting Tentative Map to permit the planning staff and the Planning Commission to review the proposed design and improvements. The information submitted shall include at least the following items:
   A.   A detailed drainage analysis, prepared by a registered engineer, determining, the hydraulic grade line for the drainage facilities serving the subdivision, demonstrating that the proposed drainage improvements conform to City standards.
   B.   Street and grading plans, prepared by a registered engineer, delineating the proposed street grades and building pad elevations are consistent with the drainage design, and conform to City standards.
   C.   A soils report, prepared by a registered engineer, demonstrating the proposed site grading and street structural section conform to city standards, and that building foundations are in accordance with building code requirements and city standards.
   D.   Complete sewer plans which demonstrate that gravity sewer service can be provided to the proposed buildings and facilities without exceeding the design capacity of the existing sewer facilities, when designed in accordance with city standards.
   E.   Architectural plans, elevations, and/or renderings sufficient for the architectural review of the buildings proposed to be constructed on the property being subdivided.
   F.   A copy of all covenants, conditions, and restrictions which may be placed on the proposed subdivision which may affect the use, appearance, or condition of the project.
   G.   Engineer's estimate of cost for all proposed improvements, itemized in sufficient detail to permit separation of the costs for the purpose of computing applicable fees.
   H.   All other applicable design information which may be required by other sections of this title, applicable City standards, codes, or regulations.
(Ord. 824-2016 § 6 (part), 2017)