16.16.050 Form of map — Subdivider's statement required.
   A written statement by the subdivider shall be prepared accompanying the Vesting Tentative Map containing the following information:
   A.   Improvements and public utilities proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed.
   B.   Proposed plan for drainage.
   C.   Proposed fire hydrant placement.
   D.   Provision for sewerage and sewage disposal.
   E.   Provision for proposed water supply.
   F.   Provision for proposed electric power supply, natural gas distribution, and any communication lines.
   G.   Public areas proposed.
   H.   Type and location of street lighting proposed.
   I.   Proposed building setback lines and width of side yards
   J.   Justification and reasons for any exceptions to provisions of this title, or for any amendments to the General Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance which may be required in conjunction with the subdivision proposed.
   K.   A copy of any restrictive covenants, bylaws, or articles of incorporation proposed shall be attached to the owner's statement as required.
   L.   The existing use or uses of the property.
   M.   The proposed use or uses of the property.
   N.   The tree planting proposed.
   O.   Statement from owner of record, if different than subdivider, consenting to division of land by subdivision.
   P.   Statement giving name and address of individual designated to receive all official communications regarding the subdivision.
(Ord. 824-2016 § 6 (part), 2017)